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Larsen-Price and B. Leech. 2001. \223Congressional a\ nd Presidential Effects)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 757.3899 Tm (on the Demand for Lobbying.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 223.3986 757.3899 Tm (Political Research Quarterly)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 372.1464 757.3899 Tm ( 64\(1\), 3-16.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 742.3899 Tm [(Beyers, J. 2008. \223Policy Issues, Organisational Format and the Politi\ cal Strategies of Interest)39.9 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 61 732.3899 Tm (Organisations.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 146.1489 732.3899 Tm (West European Politics)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 268.0074 732.3899 Tm ( 31\(6\), 1188-1211.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 717.3899 Tm [(Bradley, Katharine V. 2014. \223Who Lobbies the Lobbyists? Bureaucratic \ Influence on State)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 707.3899 Tm [(Medicaid Legislation\224. Ph.D Thesis, Health Services Organization and \ Policy and Political)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 697.3899 Tm (Science, University of Michigan)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 682.3899 Tm [(Bradley, K. and J. Haselswerdt. 2016. \223Who Lobbies the Lobbists? Stat\ e Medicaid)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 672.3899 Tm (Bureaucrats\222 Engagement in the Legislative Process.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 347.8268 672.3899 Tm (Journal of Public Policy)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 472.2551 672.3899 Tm (. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.04 Tc 10 0 0 10 61 662.3899 Tm (doi:1017/50143814X16000246, 1-29.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 647.3899 Tm [(Braun, C. 2012. \223The Captive or the Broker? Explaining Public Agency-\ Interest Group)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 61 637.3899 Tm (Interactions.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 135.0591 637.3899 Tm (Governance)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 200.6086 637.3899 Tm ( 25\(2\), 291-314.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 622.3899 Tm [(Bruycker, I. 2014. \223How Interest Groups Develop Their Lobbying Strate\ gies.\224 Paper Presented)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 612.3899 Tm (for the ECPR\222s General Conference, Glasgow, September 3-6, 2014.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 597.3899 Tm (Carpenter, D. 2001. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 150.9087 597.3899 Tm [(The Forging of Bureaucratic Autonomy: Reputations, Networks, and Policy)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 587.3899 Tm (Innovation in Executive Agencies, 1862-1928)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 295.1172 587.3899 Tm (. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 572.3899 Tm [(Chung, C. K. 1989. \223Presidential Decision-making and Bureaucratic Exp\ ertise in Korea.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 61 562.3899 Tm (Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 417.626 562.3899 Tm ( 2 \(2\), 267-292.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 547.3899 Tm [(Corr\352a d\222Almeida, A. and D. 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Esteve. 2017. \223The Politics-Bureaucracy Interface \ in Developing Countries.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 61 487.3899 Tm (Public Administration and Development)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 275.2076 487.3899 Tm ( 37, 231-245.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 472.3899 Tm [(D\374r, A. 2008. \223Measuring Interest Group Influence in the EU: A Not\ e on Methodology.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 61 462.3899 Tm (European Union Politics)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 186.8484 462.3899 Tm ( 9\(4\), 559-576.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 447.3899 Tm [(Evans, P. 1992. \223The State as Problem and Solution: Embedded Autonomy\ and Structural)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 437.3899 Tm (Change.\224 In S. Haggard and R.R. Kaufman \(eds\). )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 320.2174 437.3899 Tm (The Politics of Economic Adjustment)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 515.3452 437.3899 Tm (. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.04 Tc 10 0 0 10 61 427.3899 Tm (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 26-33.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 412.3899 Tm (Ghana Government. 2016. Immigration Service Act, 2016 \(Act 908\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 397.3899 Tm (Grindle M. and J. Thomas. 1991. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 215.3281 397.3899 Tm [(Public Choices and Policy Change: The Political Economy of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 387.3899 Tm (Reform in Developing Countries)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 231.2878 387.3899 Tm (. London: Johns Hopkins University Press.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 372.3899 Tm (Hall, R. L. and Deardorff, N. V. 2006. \223Lobbying as Legislative Subsi\ dy.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 418.215 372.3899 Tm [(American Political)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 362.3899 Tm (Science Review)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 143.5488 362.3899 Tm ( 100 \(1\), 69-84.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(Hall, R. and M. Reynolds. 2012. \223Targeted Issue Advertising and Legis\ lative Strategy: The Inside)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 337.3899 Tm (Ends of Outside Lobbying.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 205.7184 337.3899 Tm (Journal of Politics)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 300.9171 337.3899 Tm ( 74\(3\), 888-902.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 322.3899 Tm [(Howard, C. 2001. \223Bureaucrats in the Social Policy Process: Administr\ ative Policy)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 312.3899 Tm (Entrepreneurs and the Case of Working Nation.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 319.3375 312.3899 Tm [(Australian Journal of Public)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 61 302.3899 Tm (Administration)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 139.9691 302.3899 Tm ( 60\(3\), 56-65.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 287.3899 Tm (Howlett, M. and M. Ramesh. 2003. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 228.3482 287.3899 Tm (Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystem)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 543.1837 287.3899 Tm (. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.04 Tc 10 0 0 10 61 277.3899 Tm (Oxford: Oxford University Press.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 262.3899 Tm (Huber, J. and C. Shipan. 2002. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 209.4484 262.3899 Tm [(Deliberate Discretion: The Institutional Foundations of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 252.3899 Tm (Bureaucratic Autonomy)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 188.6389 252.3899 Tm (. New York: Cambridge University Press.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 237.3899 Tm [(Huber, J., C. Shipan and M. Pfahler. 2001. \223Legislatures and Statutor\ y Control of Bureaucracy.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 61 227.3899 Tm (American Journal of Political Science)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 261.2375 227.3899 Tm ( 45\(2\), 330-345.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 212.3899 Tm [(Johnson, C.M. 2016. \223The Dynamics of Conflict between Bureaucrats and\ Legislators.\224 In K.J.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 202.3899 Tm (Meier \(ed.\). )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 124.9791 202.3899 Tm (Bureaucracies, Public Administration and Public Policy)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 417.5653 202.3899 Tm [(. London: Routledge,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 61 192.3899 Tm (3-21.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 177.3899 Tm (Jones, B. and F. Baumgartner. 2005. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 241.8082 177.3899 Tm [(The Politics of Attention: How Government Prioritizes)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 61 167.3899 Tm (Problems)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 111.0594 167.3899 Tm (. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 152.3899 Tm [(Keiser, L. 2001. \223Street Level Bureaucrats, Administrative Power and \ the Manipulation of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 142.3899 Tm (Federal Social Security Disability Programs.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 299.5366 142.3899 Tm (State Politics and Political Quarterly )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 495.4436 142.3899 Tm (1\(2\), 144-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 61 132.3899 Tm (164.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 117.3899 Tm [(Kim, D.-R. 2008. \223Political Control and Bureaucratic Autonomy Revisit\ ed: A Multi-Institutional)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 107.3899 Tm (Analysis of OSHA Enforcement.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 231.8082 107.3899 Tm (Public Administration Research and Theory)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 463.7853 107.3899 Tm ( 18\(1\), 33-55.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 92.3899 Tm (Klimenko, A. and A. Zhulin. 2009. \223Russian Monitoring of Administrati\ ve Procedure.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 490.2651 92.3899 Tm [(Journal of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 82.3899 Tm (Federal and Municipal Public Administration)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 298.877 82.3899 Tm ( 1, 123-150.)Tj ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 291.3428 25.5001 Tm (58)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1559 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.179 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(This evidence supports the view that the effect of lobbying should not b\ e limited to only)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.115 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(the final outcome, that is the extent to which lobbyists influence publi\ c policy decisions in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.123 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(the )0.5 (preferred )0.5 (direction. )0.5 (It )0.5 (should )0.5 (extend to )0.5 (cover )0.5 (intermediate )0.5 (outcomes, )0.5 (such )0.5 (as )0.5 (drawing)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.049 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm [(attention to an issue or informing or persuading some policy makers \(Br\ uycker 2014\). These)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.015 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm [(intermediate outcomes are important )0.5 (because although lobbyists may not have succeeded)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.078 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(in tipping policy in the preferred direction, they would have nonetheles\ s gained experience)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.042 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(which is crucial for repeat engagement. They also would have made new al\ lies which could)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.092 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm (prove critical in achieving profound policy reforms in future lobbying e\ pisodes \(Bruycker 2014\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.04 Tw 14 0 0 14 49 627.3899 Tm (Conclusion)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.163 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(This study investigated the relationship between the lobbying of GIS and\ the outcomes it)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.148 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(generated. The focus of the investigation was on four areas: the strateg\ ies and tactics of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.146 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm [(lobbying employed; assessing the intermediate outcomes achieved; determi\ ning the final)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.053 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm [(outcome attained; and ascertaining the impact of GIS\222s lobbying on po\ litics-administration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm (relations.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.169 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(The strategies and tactics GIS adopted, such as workshops, phone calls a\ nd one-on-one)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.06 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(private meetings with politicians, succeeded in achieving the desired po\ licy reforms. It also)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.057 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(achieved intermediate outcomes like experience, networking and acquainta\ nces, which will)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.085 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm (be invaluable in future lobbying episodes. In respect of the impact of l\ obbying on politico-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.146 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(bureaucratic relations, the paper has made several minutiae worth noting\ . These are: the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.013 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm [(scant attention being paid to politician-bureaucrat relations in the Thi\ rd World, especially as)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.036 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(it pertains to practical policy-making and the development process; the \ silence on whether)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.147 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(the politician-bureaucrat relation is a dynamic or a static category; th\ e muteness on the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.097 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(factors that cause change in the politician-bureaucrat relation; and the\ factor\(s\) that has)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.148 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(more explanatory power in relation to the changes in politician-bureaucr\ at relations. This)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.029 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(lacuna in the literature has led to the adoption of donor-inspired best-\ practice approaches)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.226 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(from developed countries to undergird development policy and governance \ in the Third)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.088 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(World. This study fills these gaps by highlighting that the politics-adm\ inistration relation in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.049 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(developing countries and elsewhere cannot be explained by one best-pract\ ice model. Rather)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.176 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(it is explained by a best-fit model that combines elements of different \ models and local)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm (nuances that are relevant to any specific context or decision-making pro\ cess.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.04 Tw 14 0 0 14 49 263.3899 Tm (References)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 239.3899 Tm [(Alca\361iz, I. 2010. \223Bureaucratic Networks and Government Spending: \ A Network Analysis of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 229.3899 Tm (Nuclear Cooperation in Latin America.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 272.1777 229.3899 Tm (Latin American Research Review)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 446.7654 229.3899 Tm ( 45\(1\), 148-172.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 214.3899 Tm (Anderson, J. 2006. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 148.5991 214.3899 Tm (Public Policy-Making)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 259.9777 214.3899 Tm (. 6)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 5.83 0 0 5.83 272.2975 217.7199 Tm (th)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 278.6172 214.3899 Tm ( edn. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 199.3899 Tm (Andrews, M. 2013. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 143.3689 199.3899 Tm (The Limits of Institutional Reform in Development.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 409.8855 199.3899 Tm [( Cambridge: Cambridge)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 189.3899 Tm (University Press.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 174.3899 Tm [(Ansolabehere, S. and P. Socorro. 2015. \223Issue Salience, Issue Divisiv\ eness and Voting)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 164.3899 Tm [(Decisions.\224 Working Paper 2015-01, Universidad de Malaga, Department \ of Economic)39.9 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 61 154.3899 Tm (Theory.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 139.3899 Tm [(Ayee, J.A. 2013. \223Public Administrators under Democratic Governance i\ n Ghana.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 61 129.3899 Tm (International Journal of Public Administration)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 305.4771 129.3899 Tm ( 36\(6\), 440-452.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 114.3899 Tm (Ayee, Joseph; Tina S)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_3 1 Tf -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 157.5789 114.3899 Tm (\037 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 165.9888 114.3899 Tm [(reide; Gangadhar Shukla; and T. Le. 2011. \223Political Economy of the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 104.3899 Tm (Mining Sector in Ghana.\224 )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 195.6487 104.3899 Tm (Policy Research Working Paper)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 361.5566 104.3899 Tm ( 5730, The World Bank.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 89.3899 Tm (Baumgartner, F. and B. Jones. 2015. )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 238.7282 89.3899 Tm [(The Politics of Information: Problem De\037nition and the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 61 79.3899 Tm (Course of Public Policy in America)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 244.7274 79.3899 Tm (. Chicago. IL: The University of Chicago Press.)Tj ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 291.7679 25.5001 Tm (57)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1560 0 obj <> endobj 1561 0 obj <> endobj 1562 0 obj <> endobj 1563 0 obj <>stream H\j0 ~ C B[˲=c+aߒ>Qf|pk"8 .& >LQh 5G< y% p9l)!z3,bޱ~b'=d, 3 :N`pN6$tsajWS=eF6j|.,L#~uq endstream endobj 1564 0 obj <>stream Hbd`ab`dd,LL ( JM/I,Ia!CG_~~y~/I,HL.-Iu/Q`hii"M4QpLOJU,.I-VK/*/J,IMSpQQPZZT8N!X!5$#H!( _PRXAJ!3OhBh^&\,VHK%94(3XO-8 UB!%5A |{7{^n?t}}Tɬ_V}@;g80o ~Q7=Άe?<,C|_YoSy޻YlvdYvL'S,JO/hgkѺ[o{aʅr+SD{ٖNɒg?y~wD+b]~Ox:7-H>q?/@(_8 endstream endobj 1565 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.033 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(However, )0.5 (GIS\222s )0.5 (strategy )0.5 (departs )0.5 (from )0.5 (those )0.5 (who )0.5 (think )0.5 (that )0.5 (lobbying )0.5 (represents )0.5 (an )0.5 (exchange)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.12 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(wherein lobbyists furnish information and arguments to friendly policy m\ akers only so that they)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.027 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(could champion their cause \(Hall and Daerdoff 2006\). The GIS\222s stra\ tegy is also incongruent)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.02 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm [(with )0.5 (others )0.5 (who )0.5 (contend )0.5 (that )0.5 (the )0.5 (target )0.5 (of )0.5 (lobbying )0.5 (should )0.5 (be )0.5 (undecided )0.5 (policy )0.5 (makers )0.5 (\(Hall)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.155 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm [(and Reynolds 2012\). Yet still it is largely at variance with those who \ believe that lobbyists)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(should chiefly aim at policy makers who oppose their position so they ca\ n persuade them to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.005 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(vote differently \(Schnakenberg 2016\). This was true for some MPs but n\ ot for the MP who also)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.048 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm [(doubled )0.5 (as )0.5 (the )0.5 (Minister )0.6 (of )0.5 (Foreign )0.5 (Affairs. )0.5 (The )0.5 (GIS )0.5 (did )0.6 (not )0.6 (care )0.5 (to )0.5 (persuade )0.5 (her )0.5 (because )0.5 (it )0.5 (was)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.004 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(clear she would not be persuaded. This was because the new law was takin\ g some functions)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.075 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(away from her ministry and placing them under the Ministry of Interior. \ This, she felt, would)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.094 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(debase her and her ministry in terms of prestige, staff and budget, so s\ he vehemently opposed)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.034 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(the policy. The addition to the literature here is that two types of opp\ onents are identifiable:)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.11 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(those who can be persuaded; and those who cannot be persuaded. Those who\ cannot be)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm (persuaded are those who will incur high costs in variety of forms for vo\ ting differently.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.005 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm [(The )0.5 (unwillingness )0.5 (of the )0.5 (GIS to )0.5 (persuade )0.5 (some legislators )0.5 (and political )0.5 (executives because )0.5 (it)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.064 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm [(thought they would not be persuaded underlines one of the costs in burea\ ucratic lobbying,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.004 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(that is the potential of angering political principals \(Bradley 2014\).\ It also reflects divergence)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.071 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(of interest between administrators and some politicians. The Minister of\ Foreign Affairs had)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.157 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(a lot to lose from the new policy, so if GIS had attempted to lobby her \ it would have not)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(only infuriated her but it would have been an attempt at reconciling irr\ econcilable interests)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.02 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(between politicians and bureaucrats. However, the fact that GIS was will\ ing and actually did)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.081 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(persuade the Minister )0.5 (of Interior but not )0.5 (the )0.5 (truculent )0.5 (Minister of Foreign )0.5 (Affairs, both )0.5 (members)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.186 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm [(of the ruling government, means there can be co-existence of interest co\ nvergence and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.089 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(divergence, and for that matter a cooperative and adversarial relation b\ etween politicians)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.16 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(and bureaucrats in any given episode of lobbying. These contradictory ou\ tcomes for any)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.017 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(given bureaucratic effort to influence a political decision are hardly, \ if at all, identified in the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm (literature.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.069 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(The )0.5 (posturing )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (Minister )0.5 (of )0.5 (Foreign )0.5 (Affairs )0.6 (joins )0.5 (what )0.5 (Johnson )0.5 (\(2016\) )0.5 (describes )0.5 (as )0.5 (the )0.5 (self-)]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.079 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(interest )0.5 (model, )0.5 (which )0.5 (is )0.5 (a )0.5 (predication )0.5 (on the )0.5 (notion )0.5 (that )0.5 (all )0.5 (policy )0.5 (actors )0.5 (pursue )0.5 (their )0.5 (own )0.5 (self-)]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.027 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(interest. )0.5 (On the )0.5 (other hand, )0.5 (the support )0.5 (for )0.5 (policy reforms )0.5 (that )0.5 (GIS garnered )0.5 (from the )0.5 (Minister)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.009 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(of Interior and legislators across the political divide feeds the policy\ model, which posits that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.019 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm [(actors have specific policy goals based on their assessments of good pub\ lic policy \(Johnson)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.072 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(2016\). It also underlines the role of values in in\037uencing public at\ titudes and motivations in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.08 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(developing countries. Furthermore, it highlights the desire to help soci\ ety and its citizens. It)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.022 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(also shows how \223important unsel\036sh motivational components like lo\ yalty, identi\036cation, and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.026 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(good-spirited cooperation are in overcoming collective action problems, \ such as free-riding,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm (moral hazards, and opportunism\224 \(Vandenabeele et al. 2014, 780\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.055 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm [(In )0.5 (respect )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (outcome )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (lobbying )0.5 (communication )0.5 (process, )0.5 (it )0.5 (is )0.5 (evident )0.5 (that )0.5 (the )0.5 (GIS)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.036 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(succeeded in influencing the Minister of Interior to not only place the \ proposed Immigration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.182 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(Service reforms on the government agenda but also got him to support it \ in parliament.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.277 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(The GIS also succeeded in winning bi-partisan legislators\222 support fo\ r the new bill and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.005 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(eventually influenced them to pass it into law. The other achievements o\ f the GIS were that it)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.013 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(was )0.5 (successful )0.6 (in )0.5 (increasing )0.6 (attention )0.6 (to )0.5 (immigration )0.5 (issues )0.6 (and )0.5 (broadening )0.5 (the )0.6 (knowledge)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.159 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(of the Minister of Interior and legislators about immigration matters, e\ specially about the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.003 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(changed global environment in which the agency must now operate. Moreove\ r, it persuaded)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.138 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(all categories of policy makers: supporters, undecided minds and opponen\ ts of the bill to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm (vote for it; and it gained experience in lobbying which could be used fo\ r future lobbying.)Tj ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 291.3228 25.5001 Tm (56)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1566 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.002 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(the lacuna in the literature that \223the precise nature of the relation\ ship between bureaucratic)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.029 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(expertise and )0.5 (political-bureaucratic interactions is )0.5 (somewhat unclear\224 \(Dasandi )0.5 (and Esteve)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm (2017, 239\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.064 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm [(Apart from the Minister of Interior the GIS also lobbied legislators. Th\ e interaction mechanisms)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(the GIS used for the legislative decision makers included workshops orga\ nized for members)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.034 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(of the Defense and Interior Committee of Parliament, special briefs, one\ -on-one encounters)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.112 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm [(of senior management with legislators and personal phone calls. These in\ teraction tactics)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.06 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(involved all the three interaction modes either applied separately or si\ multaneously. All the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.184 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(interaction types named above can be described as private channels of co\ mmunication)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.073 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(because the public and the media were not invited. Neither the proceedin\ gs nor the outcomes)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.051 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(of the workshops, special briefs and other interaction arrangements were\ advertised or made)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.263 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(available for public consumption. According to Bruycker \(2014\) this ma\ nner of lobbying)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.147 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(guarantees a certain degree of discretion, where the contact between pol\ icy makers and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.064 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm [(interest groups or lobbyists is transacted in private. It also afforded \ the GIS the opportunity)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.08 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm [(to furnish detailed and technical information that pertained to the Immi\ gration Service Bill.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.174 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm [(This contrasts with public lobbying \(also known as outside lobbying\), \ where the lobbying)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.039 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(message attracts public attention, concedes to journalistic practices an\ d standards deemed)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.005 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(apt for news reporting \(Bruycker 2014\). Thus expert reports are readil\ y circulated and shared)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm (through direct \(private\) communication channels rather than public \(B\ eyers 2008\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.062 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(The extraordinary mode of lobbying strategies which GIS employed especia\ lly in organizing)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.344 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(workshops and seminars outside Accra, the national capital at Koforidua,\ and getting)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.32 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm (legislators to attend was a hyper activity beyond the level anticipated \ by the public-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.111 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(administration perspective. This is because it defied all three types of\ risks anticipated for)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(bureaucrats to incur in an attempt to lobby political decision makers. T\ he greatest of these)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(risks or costs was the potential to anger legislators, which the GIS was\ prepared to incur. As)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.057 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(neutral advisors, few, if any, bureaucrats are prepared to be that asser\ tive on their political)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.2 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(principals, as this can be misconstrued as insubordination. So to the ex\ tent that the GIS)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.024 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(could reveal its preferred policy position to political principals and w\ ent beyond that to invite)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.008 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(them to meetings )0.5 (outside the seat of )0.5 (government in Koforidua purposely )0.5 (to make them think)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.087 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(differently, )0.5 (to )0.5 (influence their )0.5 (decisions, )0.5 (to )0.5 (let them )0.5 (select the )0.5 (agenda or )0.5 (issues that )0.5 (GIS thought)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.007 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(was )0.5 (important, )0.5 (smacks of )0.5 (bureaucratic autonomy. )0.5 (These GIS )0.5 (machinations did )0.5 (not )0.5 (generate)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.039 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm [(disagreement between bureaucrats and politicians. Rather its tactics bro\ ught politicians and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.083 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(bureaucrats closer together and made them interact intensely and coopera\ tively and thereby)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.004 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(built consensus. This contradicts the political control of bureaucratic \ behavior literature that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm (posits that legislatures influence agencies, not the other way around \(\ Kim 2008\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.007 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(In terms of the target in the lobbying communication process, GIS\222s l\ obbying was directed at)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.029 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(all categories of policy decision makers: friendly ministers and parliam\ entarians, undecided)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.29 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm [(legislators, )0.6 (and )0.6 (opposing )0.5 (law )0.5 (makers. )0.6 (For )0.5 (example, )0.5 (the )0.5 (workshops )0.5 (did )0.6 (not )0.5 (discriminate)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.053 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(among legislators in terms of their initial stand on the Immigration Ser\ vice Bill. The arguments)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.147 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(presented by resource persons and prepared materials the legislators wer\ e supplied with)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.157 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(cogently explained the merits of the new law, which )0.5 (persuaded )0.5 (the opponents )0.5 (of the bill.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.216 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(The arguments also succeeded in winning the support of the undecided MPs\ , while also)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.012 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(strengthening the )0.5 (resolve of )0.5 (those )0.5 (MPs who )0.5 (had already )0.5 (pledged their support. )0.5 (This strategy)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.048 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(is consistent with the view of several scholars who argue that in practi\ ce, lobbyists lobby both)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm (allies and opponents \(Braun 2012\).)Tj ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 291.3579 25.5001 Tm (55)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1567 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc -0.043 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(words, )0.5 (GIS\222s )0.5 (agency )0.5 (in )0.5 (influencing the )0.5 (adoption )0.5 (of )0.5 (a )0.5 (new )0.5 (immigration )0.5 (law )0.5 (challenges )0.5 (the )0.5 (view)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.027 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(that the bureaucrat\222s role is limited to bringing facts to the policy\ process, providing of policy)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.105 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(advice, and quietly cooperating with politicians whether they like a pro\ posed policy or not)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm (\(Svara 2006; Rashid 2014\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(Nevertheless, the GIS had the receptive ear and support of politicians b\ ecause of the salience)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.079 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(immigration issues have assumed in the changed global environment. Today\ , the threat of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.083 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm [(terrorism is closer to )0.5 (home than ever )0.5 (for all countries, and the role of GIS in identifying, tracking)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.174 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(and preventing criminals from entering Ghana is acknowledged. The good r\ eception and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.026 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(approval GIS received for its immigration service policy reform proposal\ s from politicians are)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.025 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(unlikely to occur to the same extent, if at all, for its other issues or\ those of other bureaucratic)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.056 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(agencies. Moreover, there is no guarantee that in the future even those \ very GIS issues that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.137 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(currently have received approval will continue to have the same level of\ support, if at all,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.086 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(of politicians because the salience of the issues will not remain the sa\ me. Accordingly, the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.068 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm [(engagement of politicians and bureaucrats with each other in relation to\ these issues may)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm (change in the future.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.058 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(In line with lobbying as a communication process, GIS also had a message\ which it eloquently)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(articulated in a simple, comprehensible and concise manner to policy dec\ ision makers. The)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.071 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(content of the message gave justification for a new Immigration Service \ law on grounds of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.089 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(economics, investment, and security as well as tourism, law enforcement,\ and synchronization)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.059 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(of policies. The interaction modes for conveying the message to decision\ makers were also)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.112 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(carefully chosen by the GIS and embraced the three categories identified\ in the literature.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.051 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm [(These interaction )0.5 (modes included information exchange, )0.5 (argument, )0.5 (and agenda-setting. In)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.025 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(its encounters with the Minister of Interior, agenda-setting had prepond\ erance in application)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.171 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(and was followed )0.5 (by information exchange. This )0.5 (is because the GIS first had to convince)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.06 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(the Minister of the salience of the proposed Immigration Service reforms\ in order for him to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.049 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(accept it as one of his agenda items at cabinet meetings. This is in lin\ e with the belief of some)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.047 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(writers, who argue that lobbyists first have to communicate the importan\ ce of policy issues)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.167 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(to policy makers for the issues to get placement on the government agend\ a \(Jones and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.037 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(Baumgartner 2005\). The information exchange mode contained the justific\ ation for the new)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(law, which the GIS very well enunciated in the message. This gave GIS ma\ nagement access)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.037 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(to cabinet sessions whenever the Minister of Interior felt the need for \ them to furnish details)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.073 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm [(or buttress points. This evidence supports the view that lobbyists give \ information to policy)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm (makers in return for access to the corridors of power or influence \(Kl\374\ ver 2013\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.026 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(It also reflects information asymmetry, where bureaucrats are \223often \ said to monopolize the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.124 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(knowledge and expertise relevant to government\224 \(Smith 2009, 135\). \ With its informational)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.072 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(advantage, GIS was able to influence the passing of the Immigration Serv\ ice Bill into law. It)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.061 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(did this by highlighting: the increasingly complex and difficult environ\ ment in which it must)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.061 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm [(now operate; the expanding scope of the mandate it must now grapple with\ ; the upgrade and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.032 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(revision it must make to its training curricular; the motivation it must\ give to its staff; the level)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.098 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(of automation of processes, procedures and techniques it must introduce;\ the emphasis it)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.009 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(must put on the interconnectedness between immigration services and secu\ rity, investment,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.203 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(tourism, employment and diplomatic relations; and the collaborations it \ must forge with)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.197 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(sister agencies across the world, particularly developing countries. Ols\ en \(2007\) believes)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(that although expertise is a key basis of power for bureaucracies it can\ also be at the root of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.105 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(con\037ict between politicians and bureaucrats \226 a con\037ict between\ hierarchy and expertise.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.154 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(In this case, however, the informational resources GIS gave to politicia\ ns did not become)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.162 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(a source of conflict between hierarchy and expertise, it rather became a\ tool for the two)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.065 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(spheres to interact more intensely and cooperatively. This evidence has \ helped towards filling)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.3528 25.5001 Tm (54)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1568 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 14/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1569 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.081 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(countries in matters relating to migration and related issues\224 \(Ghan\ a Government 2016, 3\).)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.061 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(This power was not available under the old laws \226 The Immigration Ser\ vice Act, 1989 \(PNDC)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm (Law 226\) and the Immigration Service Act, 2000 \(Act 573\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm [(Finally, in reference to the establishment of new functional units, one \ Deputy Commissioner of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.013 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(Immigration )0.5 (said, )0.5 (\223the )0.5 (new )0.5 (law )0.5 (has expanded )0.5 (the )0.5 (operational )0.5 (structures )0.5 (of )0.5 (the GIS )0.5 (by )0.5 (setting)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.194 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(up more departments, sections and units to support the three existing di\ rectorates.\224 The)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.068 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm [(three existing directorates are Finance and Administration Directorate; \ Legal, Research and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.118 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(Monitoring Directorate; and Command Post and Operations Directorate. The\ new departments,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.118 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(divisions and units in the new GIS structures, an Assistant Inspector of\ Immigration Officer)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.317 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(revealed, are, \223a Border Patrol Unit, Document Fraud Expertise Center\ , and a Migration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.012 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(Management Bureau\224. He agreed that \223the establishment of the new d\ epartments has better)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.015 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(positioned the GIS to respond to the changing trends in the delivery of \ immigration services,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm (especially the global rise in terrorist.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.121 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm [(The intermediate level effects of GIS\222s lobbying are connected to thr\ ee modes of lobbying)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.015 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm [(interaction: increased attention; increased knowledge; and persuasion. I\ n these regards, the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.079 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(GIS succeeded in increasing attention to immigration issues and increasi\ ng the knowledge)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.01 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(of the Minister of Interior and legislators about immigration issues, pa\ rticularly those relating)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.147 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(to the intricate global environment in which the agency must now functio\ n. In addition, it)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.088 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(persuaded all categories of policy makers: supporters, undecided minds a\ nd opponents of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(the )0.5 (bill )0.5 (to vote )0.5 (for )0.5 (it. )0.5 (Moreover, )0.5 (the )0.5 (experience )0.5 (it )0.5 (gained )0.5 (in )0.5 (this particular lobbying )0.5 (episode )0.5 (has)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm (become an asset for it to intervene most effectively in relation to futu\ re lobbying episodes.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.04 Tw 14 0 0 14 49 417.3899 Tm (Discussion)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.271 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(This study conceived GIS\222s lobbying as a communication process. As a \ communication)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.035 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(process lobbying had a messenger, that is the GIS, which acted as a sing\ le advocate rather)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.021 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(than in coalition with other like-minded agencies or interest groups. Th\ e literature posits that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.087 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(as messengers of lobbying communication, interest groups can give more t\ raction to their)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.143 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(demands by forging alliances with other like-minded stakeholders \(Serva\ es and Malikhao)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.153 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(2012\). Contrary to the literature, the GIS solely carried out the lobby\ ing and succeeded in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm (influencing the passage of the Immigration Service Bill into law. This s\ uggests that coalition-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.171 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(building may not necessarily be the most effective or appropriate strate\ gy in influencing)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.002 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(policy in all situations or may even be inaccessible or unavailable. As \ in the case of lobbying)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.129 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(for the passage of the Immigration Service Bill, there were no like-mind\ ed advocates with)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.022 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(whom the GIS could coalesce, and that is why it adopted what Bruycker \(\ 2014\) called a direct)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm (lobbying strategy.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.066 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm [(In terms of locating the direct lobbying of GIS within the three perspec\ tives of bureaucratic)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.495 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(lobbying explicated earlier, the public-administration perspective best \ describes this)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.135 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(behavior. This is because GIS was proactive in exercising agency in term\ s of the initiation)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.055 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(of the policy, the canvassing of support for the proposal across the pol\ itical divide, and the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.097 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(education of decision makers about immigration issue, as well as the per\ suasion of minds)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.047 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(through )0.5 (phone )0.5 (calls, )0.5 (and )0.6 (the )0.5 (convincing )0.6 (of )0.5 (legislators )0.6 (in )0.6 (the )0.5 (lobby )0.5 (of )0.5 (parliament )0.6 (and )0.6 (at )0.5 (the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.129 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(workshops and seminars. This evidence ties in with Bradley\222s \(2014\)\ view that bureaucrats)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.032 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(allocate substantial resources to policy development, originating legisl\ ation, building public)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.039 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(support, contacting legislators, and other activities that might be cons\ idered political. But it)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.134 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(undercuts the political science perspective\222s claim that public admin\ istrators are passive,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.019 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(reactive, or not involved in the policy process prior to the rules stage\ \(Bradley 2014\). In other)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.5529 25.5001 Tm (53)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1570 0 obj <> endobj 1571 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 10/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1572 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 11/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1573 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 12/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1574 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 13/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1575 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 14 0 0 14 49 763.1899 Tm (Outcomes of GIS\222s lobbying)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.064 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 735.1899 Tm [(The effects of the GIS\222s lobbying are twofold: final outcome; and int\ ermediate effects. The final)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.039 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 721.1899 Tm [(outcome refers )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (influence of )0.5 (GIS )0.5 (on )0.5 (legislators )0.5 (and the )0.5 (political )0.5 (executive )0.5 (in )0.5 (passing a)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.175 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 707.1899 Tm [(new immigration law. The implication of passing of the GIS Bill into law\ , as a respondent)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.01 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 693.1899 Tm [(legislator argued, meant \223the hiving off of counselor duties from the\ mandate of the Ministry)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.103 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 679.1899 Tm [(of Foreign Affairs and placing those under the Ministry of Interior; the\ granting of power to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.121 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 665.1899 Tm [(immigration officers to bear arms; changing the grading and ranking stru\ cture of the GIS;)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.109 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 651.1899 Tm [(the establishment of the Immigration Service Council with more powers th\ an the erstwhile)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 637.1899 Tm (Immigration Service Board; and the establishment of new functional units\ .\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.082 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 609.1899 Tm [(In terms of influence on legislation, GIS lobbying, according to a Commi\ ssioner of Immigration,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.102 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 595.1899 Tm [(\223canvassed support among legislators across the political divide for \ the bill.\224 This is highly)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.106 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 581.1899 Tm [(unusual in a country that is profoundly polarized along party lines. The\ division typically is)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.058 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 567.1899 Tm [(such that no matter the merits of an issue before the House, Government \ Party legislators and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.027 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 553.1899 Tm [(their Opposition Party colleagues always appear on different sides of a \ coin \(Oquaye 2000\).)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.035 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 539.1899 Tm [(Not )0.5 (surprisingly, )0.5 (the )0.5 (unusual )0.5 (consensus )0.5 (across )0.5 (the )0.5 (political divide )0.5 (on )0.5 (the )0.5 (Immigration )0.5 (Service)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 525.1899 Tm (Bill enabled it to be passed into law \226 the Immigration Service Act, \ 2016 \(Act 906\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.094 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 497.1899 Tm [(As noted earlier, a number of benefits attended the passing of the Immig\ ration Service Bill)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.159 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 483.1899 Tm [(into law. )0.5 (First )0.5 (is the )0.5 (bearing of )0.5 (fire arms, )0.5 (in )0.5 (reference to )0.5 (which )0.5 (a )0.5 (respondent )0.5 (immigration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.023 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 469.1899 Tm [(officer said, \223the new law has not only empowered the GIS staff to wi\ eld arms but it has also)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.059 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 455.1899 Tm [(specified the variety of arms they can use.\224 GIS respondents said the\ types of fire arms the GIS)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.034 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 441.1899 Tm [(staff can bear under the new law include a gun, rifle, machine gun, cap \ gun, flintlock gun or)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.002 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 427.1899 Tm [(pistol revolver, canon or any other fire arm and an air gun. The rest ar\ e air rifles or air pistols,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.007 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 413.1899 Tm [(whether whole or in detached pieces. The power to bear fire arms and mak\ e arrests, a senior)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 399.1899 Tm [(management respondent of GIS said, \223has repositioned the GIS to respo\ nd to current threats)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.084 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 385.1899 Tm [(such as the Asian onslaught.\224 The new law, another respondent said, \223\ has now better prepared)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.015 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 371.1899 Tm [(the )0.5 (GIS )0.6 (for )0.6 (stringent )0.5 (checking )0.5 (of )0.5 (who )0.5 (actually )0.6 (enters )0.5 (Ghana )0.5 (in )0.5 (order )0.5 (to )0.6 (ensure )0.5 (that )0.5 (criminals)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.036 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 357.1899 Tm [(and other undesirable elements are denied entry.\224 A third interview i\ ntimated that \223the power)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.034 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 343.1899 Tm [(to bear arms and make arrests has elevated the status of GIS to a law en\ forcement agency)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 329.1899 Tm (which is now in line with trade and investment policies of the governmen\ t.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.195 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 301.1899 Tm [(Second, pertaining to the changed ranking system, a Commissioner of Immi\ gration said,)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.014 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 287.1899 Tm [(\223hitherto )0.5 (the head )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (GIS )0.5 (was )0.5 (ranked )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf 0.015 Tw 10 0 0 10 270.1505 287.1899 Tm (Director of Immigration)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0.014 Tw 10 0 0 10 396.2708 287.1899 Tm [(, )0.5 (which was )0.5 (a )0.5 (lower )0.5 (position)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.094 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 273.1899 Tm [(compared to analogous positions in the other security agencies like the \ armed forces and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.175 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 259.1899 Tm [(the police service.\224 A respondent Inspector of Immigration elucidated\ further, bemoaning)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.002 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 245.1899 Tm [(that, \223whenever there was a state function it was difficult placing t\ he Director of Immigration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.211 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 231.1899 Tm [(among )0.5 (the )0.5 (heads )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (security )0.5 (agencies.\224 )0.5 (The )0.6 (new )0.5 (law, )0.5 (he )0.5 (was )0.5 (delighted )0.5 (to )0.5 (say, )0.5 (\223has)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.132 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 217.1899 Tm [(elevated the head of GIS to a Comptroller General, which is in line with\ the ranking in the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.062 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 203.1899 Tm [(other security agencies and international best practice.\224 Another res\ pondent added that, \223the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.022 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 189.1899 Tm [(remuneration and )0.5 (fringe benefits )0.5 (as well )0.5 (as other )0.5 (terms and )0.5 (conditions )0.5 (of service )0.5 (associated)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.047 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 175.1899 Tm [(with the new elevated rank of the Head of the GIS and all ranks below it\ have been enhanced.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.192 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 161.1899 Tm [(Thus, )0.5 (he )0.5 (concluded, )0.5 (\223the )0.5 (new )0.5 (law )0.6 (has improved )0.5 (the )0.5 (incentive )0.5 (structure )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (GIS, )0.5 (which)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.02 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 147.1899 Tm [(human resource management scholars have argued is critical to achieving \ a high employee)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 133.1899 Tm (retention rate in organizations.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.113 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 105.1899 Tm [(Third, in relation to the establishment of the Immigration Service Counc\ il, the new law has)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.218 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 91.1899 Tm [(substituted the existing Board of GIS with the GIS Council. The council \ has more powers)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.149 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 77.1899 Tm [(than the erstwhile board. For example, the new law has empowered the cou\ ncil to \223make)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.297 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 63.1899 Tm [(recommendation to the Minister on bilateral and multilateral co-operatio\ n with foreign)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.6228 25.5001 Tm (52)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1576 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc -0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(herculean task to police these borders without the power of immigration \ officers to bear arms)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.165 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(and country vehicles for effective coverage.\224 A second respondent MP \ averred, \223I learned)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.031 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(from the workshops that immigration laws are important to protect the he\ alth and safety of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.08 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm [(Ghanaians, to )0.5 (maintain the )0.5 (security of )0.5 (its society, and )0.5 (to )0.5 (promote )0.5 (international )0.5 (justice )0.5 (and)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.092 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm [(security by refusing access to its territory to persons who are criminal\ s or security risks.\224 A)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.039 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(third MP affirmed that from the workshops he gathered that \223greater c\ ooperation through the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.034 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(exchange of information between the GIS and counterpart agencies in othe\ r jurisdictions can)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm (make the actions of cooperating countries in achieving service objective\ s more effective.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(According to a Deputy Commissioner of Immigration, \223the special brief\ s with most influential)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.142 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(and outspoken MPs did the trick of persuading them to support the bill.\224\ This, he said, \223is because)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.029 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(the briefs gave them simplified, cogent and concise as well as abridged \ arguments for why a)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.043 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(new immigration service bill was warranted.\224 Equipped with the releva\ nt information, as the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.056 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(special briefs afforded, \223MPs rehearsed and presented eloquently on t\ he floor of Parliament)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm (without difficulty reasons for why a new immigration law was warranted.\224\ )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.145 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm [(According to the GIS respondents the phone calls made by senior immigrat\ ion officers to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.141 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(ranking members of the Defense and Interior Committee and other influent\ ial MPs helped)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.058 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(build familiarity of agency officials with the legislators. As one Senio\ r Inspector of Immigration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.147 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(revealed, \223it also helped to explain the issues comprehensively in pr\ ivate to the MPs and address)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.056 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(their reservations which they did not feel comfortable to express at the\ workshops.\224 He added,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.005 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(\223these afforded the opportunity for friendly but frank discussions of\ issues, particularly those)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.156 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(on which support was difficult to garner.\224 Another GIS respondent agr\ eed, acknowledging)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.113 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm [(that \223it was initially difficult convincing sympathizers of the Minis\ ter of Foreign Affairs, who)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.031 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(was )0.5 (also an )0.5 (MP )0.5 (but )0.5 (did not )0.5 (support )0.5 (the )0.5 (bill.\224 )0.5 (He added, )0.5 (\223she did )0.5 (not )0.5 (support )0.5 (it )0.5 (because the )0.5 (bill)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.041 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(proposed hiving off consular services from the mandate of her outfit and\ placing same under)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.092 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(the GIS.\224 He said further that \223this potentially meant losing pres\ tige and budget, which she)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.067 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(could not come to terms with.\224 He concluded that \223the phone calls \ therefore individualized,)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.003 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(privatized and de-formalized the conversation which the workshops and sp\ ecial briefs could)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.091 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(not do.\224 A Deputy Commissioner could not agree more when he intimated\ that \223ultimately,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.145 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(the phone calls succeeded in convincing those who were originally oppose\ d to the bill to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.094 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(support it.\224 Thus, he added, \223the phone calls were a tactic to tur\ n opposing MPs into supporters,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm (supporters into champions and undecided MPs into backers.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.102 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(A Commissioner of Immigration said that \223the meetings the Head of GIS\ held with the chairman)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.11 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(and ranking members of the Defense and Interior Committee psychologicall\ y signaled the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.054 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(importance of the Immigration Service Bill.\224 One MP commented that \223\ if the head of the GIS)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.047 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(has taken it upon himself to organize meetings with MPs to persuade us t\ o support the bill\224,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.022 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(then )0.5 (\223it )0.5 (means )0.5 (the )0.6 (needed )0.6 (reforms )0.5 (contained )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (bill )0.6 (must )0.6 (be )0.5 (ones )0.5 (that )0.5 (will )0.5 (make )0.5 (his )0.5 (outfit)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.061 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(to discharge its mandate efficiently and effectively.\224 He concluded \223\ that is why my colleagues)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm (and I supported the passage of the bill.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.06 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(The good relationship that agency officials established with personal ai\ des and secretaries)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.061 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(was important. This, according to one Immigration Officer, \223is becaus\ e it enabled the sourcing)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.064 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(of )0.5 (information )0.5 (to )0.6 (enable )0.6 (the )0.5 (GIS )0.5 (to )0.6 (determine )0.6 (who )0.5 (the )0.5 (target )0.5 (of )0.6 (their )0.5 (lobbying )0.5 (activities )0.6 (should)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(be.\224 He said further that \223without the good rapport with personal \ aides and secretaries that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.1 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(information would have remained inaccessible.\224 The good relationship \ with personal aides)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.071 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(and secretaries, another GIS respondent argued, \223is an asset for repe\ at players because of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.152 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(the familiarity and informational advantage it will afford them over opp\ osing lobbyists to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm (their stand.\224)Tj ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 292.8979 25.5001 Tm (51)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1577 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(The Ministry of Interior has oversight responsibility of the GIS, and th\ e latter saw this control)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.027 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(arrangement also as an opportunity to influence the former to support th\ e GIS bill. This view)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm (is reflected in the comments of one Commissioner of Immigration that:)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.139 Tw 10 0 0 10 85 711.3899 Tm [(We ceased the opportunity granted by our encounters with the Minister to\ not only)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.056 Tw 10 0 0 10 85 697.3899 Tm [(speak truth to power about our challenges but also articulate same cogen\ tly into an)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 85 683.3899 Tm (agenda for legislative and policy reforms which the Minister accepted.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.071 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(Another respondent said, \223during our several meetings and encounters \ with the Minister he)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.061 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm (reiterated he would crack the whip where necessary to ensure that office\ rs who are under-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.033 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(performing and those who are acting unprofessionally are brought into li\ ne.\224 He added, \221but)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.042 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(the meetings )0.5 (also )0.5 (gave us )0.5 (an )0.5 (opportunity )0.5 (to )0.5 (educate )0.5 (the )0.5 (Minister about )0.5 (immigration issues)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.108 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(and the appropriate legal, logistic and economic as well as administrati\ ve frameworks we)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.157 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(need to )0.5 (effectively discharge )0.5 (our mandate.\224 An )0.5 (Assistant Inspector )0.5 (of Immigration added)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.094 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm [(that \223it was during this education process that we succeeded in convi\ ncing the Minister to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.061 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm [(support the GIS Bill which was coming up for a decision in parliament.\224\ Another respondent)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.164 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm [(said we educated the Minister to understand that \223contemporary immigr\ ation issues and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.119 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(problems are complex and therefore demand a multi-prone approach to thei\ r resolution.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.113 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(One of the solutions, the minister was told, \223is to adopt a new GIS L\ aw that will sufficiently)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.108 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(empower the agency to bear arms to accost illegal immigrants\224, and th\ at will enable it to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.044 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(\223combat crime, expand services, and professionalize the service as we\ ll as motivate staff and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm (adopt international best practice.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 49 431.3899 Tm (Effectiveness of the strategies and tactics)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.075 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(In terms of )0.5 (meetings, )0.5 (a strategic workshop was organized )0.5 (for members of the Defense and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.062 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(Interior Committee of Parliament in Accra. This committee was responsibl\ e for deliberating on)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.018 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(the Immigration Service Bill and making recommendations to the full hous\ e. It was therefore)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.204 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(imperative for the GIS to win their support for the bill. Prepared mater\ ials explaining the)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.034 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(present challenges and inadequacies of the GIS, measures for dealing wit\ h the problems and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.023 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(the rationale for the new Immigration Bill, were presented to them. For \ example, one resource)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.003 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(person of the GIS explained that \223the GIS had a circumscribed mandate\ which was making it)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.093 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm [(difficult to deal effectively with contemporary immigration issues.\224 \ Another elucidated that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.043 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(\223in this contemporary time a new approach to immigration that takes i\ nto account the global)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(patterns of )0.5 (both regular )0.5 (and )0.5 (irregular )0.5 (migration and the increasingly sophisticated )0.5 (methods)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.113 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(of identity fraud and abuse of immigration laws was critical.\224 Yet, h\ e explained, \223it is quite)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.07 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(formidable for the GIS to rise to the challenge because the existing law\ does not allow it to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.079 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(use )0.5 (arms )0.5 (and )0.6 (make )0.6 (arrests, )0.5 (especially )0.5 (in )0.6 (border )0.5 (patrolling.\224 )0.5 (A )0.5 (third )0.5 (resource )0.5 (person )0.6 (added)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.183 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(that, \223GIS does not have cooperation agreements with other Immigratio\ n departments in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.008 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm [(other )0.5 (jurisdictions )0.5 (for )0.5 (information )0.5 (sharing.\224 Nevertheless, )0.5 (he )0.5 (bemoaned, )0.5 (\223border )0.5 (security )0.5 (and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.036 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(border management are significantly enhanced by cooperation and collabor\ ation, as well as)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.072 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(the use of reasonable force to accost criminals and illegal migrants.\224\ A fourth resource person)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.151 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(revealed that, \223a similar workshop was also held in Koforidua to clea\ r outstanding issues,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.18 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(strengthen arguments already made and to build more support for the new \ Immigration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm (Service Bill.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.059 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(The general consensus among respondent members of parliament was that th\ e workshops)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.227 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(were educative and built a solid rationale for the new bill. For example\ , one Member of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.157 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(Parliament \(MP\) said, \223I did not know that Ghana has as many as 43 \ formal borders and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.144 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(myriad unapproved entry routes into the country.\224 He added, \223undou\ btedly it should be a)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.3579 25.5001 Tm (50)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1578 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.016 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(law circumscribed our power to do many things, for example to make arres\ t and to bear fire)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.103 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(arms, and without these powers I wonder how we can effectively discharge\ our expanding)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.122 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(and )0.5 (complex )0.5 (mandate.\224 He )0.5 (concluded that )0.5 (\223no other )0.5 (person )0.5 (or )0.5 (group understands )0.5 (or can)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.058 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm [(explain these matters better than GIS itself to policy makers, and that \ is why we decided to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm (lobby directly.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.004 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(A Senior )0.5 (Inspector of )0.5 (Immigration argued )0.5 (that )0.5 (direct lobbying )0.5 (was preferred )0.5 (because \223it )0.5 (was)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.072 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm [(the most effective way of building relationships with elected officials \ and educating them.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.1 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(He said, \223if we even had a credible interest group to lobby on our be\ half, they and not the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.174 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(GIS staff would have made the personal contacts with legislators.\224 Th\ ey would have also)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.111 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(made \223the )0.5 (personal phone calls )0.5 (and )0.5 (physical conversations )0.5 (with )0.5 (secretaries and )0.5 (personal)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.119 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(aides, and the business meetings with the decision makers.\224 All these\ interactions we had)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(with the )0.5 (political executives and )0.5 (legislators, he )0.5 (added, \223helped )0.5 (us build )0.5 (familiarity )0.5 (with them,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.138 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(and )0.5 (influenced )0.5 (their )0.5 (decisions.\224 )0.5 (These )0.5 (opportunities, )0.5 (he )0.5 (concluded, )0.5 (\223would )0.5 (have )0.5 (remained)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm (foreclosed had we allowed interest groups to do the lobbying on our beha\ lf.\224)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.026 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm [(Respondents were asked why they decided to lobby both the legislature an\ d the executive. In)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(response, one Commissioner of Immigration intimated that \223since the i\ nception of the fourth)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.037 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(republic in 1993 Ghana has been operating a majoritarian parliament.\224\ In such a system, he)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.056 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(explained, \223the legislature defers to the executive enabling the latt\ er to have an urge in the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.067 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(policy making process.\224 A responding legislator agreed, arguing that \ \223because the success)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.006 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(or failure of the president\222s policies affects the electoral fortunes\ of the party, the president\222s)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.05 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(parliamentary party collectively and individually becomes a strong advoc\ ate of his policies)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.23 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm [(and programs.\224 Another responding member of parliament expanded that \ \223because the)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.008 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(President is required to appoint the majority of his ministers from parl\ iament, legislators who)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.02 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(do not have a ministerial portfolio yet are more inclined to favor the e\ xecutive.\224 Nevertheless,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.108 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(votes of opposition legislators were also critical to wining Parliament\222\ s approval of the GIS)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm (law.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 14 0 0 14 49 347.3899 Tm (Strategies and tactics of lobbying)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf -0.049 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(The respondents said different strategies and tactics were used by the G\ IS to influence policy.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.023 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm [(These included meetings with relevant parliamentary committees and indiv\ idual legislators,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.191 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(special briefs with influential and outspoken legislators across the pol\ itical divide, phone)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.233 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(calls made by senior management to individual legislators, seminars and \ workshops as)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.059 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(well as discussions on media platforms such as TV. In addition to these,\ a Commissioner of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(Immigration )0.5 (intimated )0.6 (that )0.6 (\223the )0.5 (Head )0.6 (of )0.6 (GIS )0.5 (held )0.6 (meetings )0.6 (with )0.5 (the )0.6 (chairperson )0.5 (and )0.5 (ranking)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(members of the Defense and Interior Committee of Parliament.\224 These m\ eetings, he iterated,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.004 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(\223afforded the opportunity for the GIS boss to not only educate them o\ n the new and arduous)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.048 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm [(mandate of the GIS\224 but also the \223powers that it requires, the too\ ls and equipment it needs,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.203 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(and the training and development and motivation it demands to intervene \ effectively in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.091 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(relation to immigration service delivery.\224 )0.5 (A )0.5 (Senior Immigration )0.5 (Officer )0.5 (also said that, )0.5 (\223there)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.099 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(were one-on-one interactions of some senior members of GIS with legislat\ ors at the lobby)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.069 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(of Parliament on the day of voting on the Immigration Service Bill.\224 \ A deputy Commissioner)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.005 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(of Immigration moreover intimated that \223good rapport was established \ between the GIS and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.122 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(some of the personal aides and secretaries of parliament.\224 This, he s\ aid, \223facilitated quick)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(access )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (legislators, )0.5 (allowed )0.5 (for )0.5 (quick )0.5 (rescheduling )0.5 (of )0.5 (meetings )0.5 (that )0.5 (could )0.5 (not )0.5 (be )0.5 (held)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.145 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(for genuine reasons, and permitted furnishing of updates on the bill whi\ ch informed GIS\222s)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm (strategizing.\224)Tj ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.3428 25.5001 Tm (49)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1579 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 9/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1580 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc -0.05 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(and responsibilities of the GIS are ubiquitous, spanning the length and \ breadth of the country.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.234 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(Understanding the nature and scope of such a broad mandate is the key to\ effectively)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.009 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(carrying it out. Moreover, carrying out such a huge mandate implies that\ different strategies)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.162 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm [(and tactics need to be devised to address the unique issues and problems\ pertaining to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.131 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm [(particular contexts. This study can be a starting point to unearthing wh\ at the appropriate)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm (strategies and tactics might be.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 14 0 0 14 49 655.3899 Tm (GIS\222s lobbying for the passage of the Immigration Service Act, 2016)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc -0.004 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(The presentation of the evidence on GIS\222s lobbying of the legislature\ and the executive in the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.009 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(enactment of the Immigration Service Act, 2016 \(Act 908\) is done under\ a number of themes.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.1 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(These include: the need for a new GIS law; direct lobbying as a preferre\ d tool of influence;)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.025 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(strategies )0.5 (and )0.5 (tactics )0.5 (of )0.5 (lobbying; )0.5 (efficacy of )0.5 (lobbying )0.5 (strategies; )0.5 (and )0.5 (outcomes )0.5 (of )0.5 (lobbying.)]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw 14 0 0 14 49 543.3899 Tm (Need for a new GIS law)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf -0.024 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(The promulgation of the Ghana Immigration Service Act, 2016 \(Act 908\) \ was prompted by the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.048 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(inadequacies inherent in the previous laws: Provincial National Defense \ Council \(PNDC\) Law)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(226 of 1989 and the Immigration Service Act, 2000 \(Act 573\). According\ to a respondent senior)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.006 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(manager, \223the shortcomings of the previous laws included: the lack of\ power to bear arms to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(protect the country\222s territorial borders \(which exposed the country\ to illegal migration with)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.16 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm [(its attendant security threats\).\224 An informant from the junior manag\ ement of GIS agreed,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.023 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(arguing that, \223we are on the ground at the entry points to the countr\ y and I can tell you that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.037 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(the absence of power to make arrests feeds illegal migration and embolde\ ns illegal migrants)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(to enter the country.\224 An interviewee from middle management added he\ r voice, saying that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.115 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(\223the existing GIS arrangements have limited operational structures, w\ hich prevent the effective)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.218 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(discharge of the organization\222s mandate.\224 She added, \223we need a\ dditional departments,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.108 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(organizational )0.5 (restructuring )0.6 (and )0.5 (pay )0.5 (and )0.6 (grading )0.5 (reclassification, )0.5 (which )0.5 (can )0.5 (only )0.5 (be )0.6 (done)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.117 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(by a new law.\224 Other reasons for a new GIS law included: the organiza\ tional structure and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.216 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(the associated grading system of the GIS, which are inconsistent with in\ ternational best)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.132 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(practice and analogous Ghanaian security agencies like the Armed Forces \ and the Prison)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm [(Service, which debased the status of the GIS; the usurpation by the Mini\ stry of Foreign Affairs)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.022 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(of )0.5 (GIS\222s )0.5 (power )0.5 (to )0.5 (post )0.5 (personnel )0.5 (to )0.5 (serve )0.5 (as )0.5 (consular )0.5 (officers )0.5 (in )0.5 (foreign )0.5 (missions, )0.5 (which )0.5 (led )0.5 (to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.024 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(a conflicting oversight mandate of GIS between the Ministry of Interior \ and Ministry of Foreign)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.146 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(Affairs; and the existing designation of Board of Directors for the GIS \ instead of a Council)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm (whose policy-making powers are circumscribed.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 49 207.3899 Tm (Direct lobbying as a preferred tool of influence)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.215 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(According to a majority of 83 percent of the respondents, direct lobbyin\ g was the most)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.106 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(popular way of lobbying. When asked to explain why they thought direct l\ obbying was the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.064 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(preferred )0.5 (way )0.5 (to influence )0.5 (political )0.5 (decisions, )0.5 (one )0.5 (Commissioner )0.5 (of )0.5 (Immigration )0.5 (elucidated)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.299 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(that \223associational life in Ghana is nascent and underdeveloped and t\ herefore getting)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.138 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(a credible interest group to do the bidding on behalf of the GIS was ver\ y difficult.\224 On his)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.18 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(part an Assistant Commissioner of Immigration argued that \223we had to \ engage in direct)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.014 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(lobbying because the matter was of great interest to us both personally \ and professionally.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.01 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(Personally, he said \223our livelihoods, our career progression, and our\ prestige were all at stake)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.017 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(because the old law circumscribed all these aspirations.\224 Professiona\ lly, he averred, \223the old)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 787.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.3378 25.5001 Tm (48)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 792.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1581 0 obj <> endobj 1582 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 5/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1583 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 6/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1584 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 7/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1585 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 8/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1586 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc -0.039 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(is suited for both allies and opponents because their attention needs to\ be drawn before they)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm (can be informed or persuaded \(Bruycker 2014\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.184 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm [(The final component of the lobbying communication process is the effect \ or outcome of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.012 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm (lobbying. Lobbying success is usually seen as the extent to which lobbyi\ sts influence public-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.066 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(policy decisions. Usually this is measured by legislative outcomes \(D\374\ r 2008\). However, this)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.246 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(approach ignores outcomes at the intermediate level connected to the thr\ ee modes of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm (lobbying interaction: increased attention; increased knowledge; and pers\ uasion.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.044 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(First, in the agenda-setting mode lobbyists strive to increase the atten\ tion policy makers give)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.005 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(to specific issues and mobilize them and other stakeholders to advance t\ heir cause. Second,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.013 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(in the )0.5 (informing mode )0.5 (lobbyists inform )0.5 (policy )0.5 (makers and expect certain policy outcomes )0.5 (in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.053 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(return. Policy makers learn and gain knowledge given by lobbyists, while\ the latter anticipates)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.144 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(that this will translate into the desired outcome at the level of policy\ outcomes. The third)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.019 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm [(mode, arguing, is aimed at persuading policy makers to generate favorabl\ e policy outcomes)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm (\(Bruycker 2014, 13\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.17 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(All these lobbying modes can influence policy outcomes, yet the underlyi\ ng mechanisms)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.021 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(that spark )0.5 (influence may )0.5 (differ. Thus, lobbying )0.5 (success is )0.5 (mediated through communication)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.172 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(effects situated at the level of policy makers. These \223communication \ effects are, in other)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.314 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(words, an important intermediate step between lobbying communication and\ lobbying)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.01 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(success\224 \(Bruycker 2014, 13\). For example, although a lobbyist may \ not have been successful)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.081 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(in )0.5 (influencing policy )0.5 (outcome )0.5 (he )0.5 (nonetheless succeeds )0.5 (in drawing )0.5 (attention )0.5 (to )0.5 (a certain )0.5 (issue.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.008 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm [(For repeat players this means that an intermediate success at a previous\ episode can affect)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.207 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(lobbying success )0.5 (at future )0.5 (engagements \(Lowery 2013, )0.5 (13\). So )0.5 (studying this )0.5 (intermediate)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm (success is critical to ultimately influencing policy making.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.04 Tw 14 0 0 14 49 375.3899 Tm (Methodology)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf -0.097 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(A case-study design was used to investigate the influence that the Ghana\ Immigration Service)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.035 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(\(GIS\) )0.5 (had )0.5 (on the )0.5 (Legislature )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (consideration )0.5 (and )0.5 (passage )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (Immigration )0.5 (Service )0.5 (Act,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.069 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(2016 \(Act 908\). The empirical basis of the study are interviews with 7\ 0 respondents made up of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm [(60 )0.5 (officials )0.6 (from )0.5 (the )0.6 (GIS )0.5 (and )0.6 (10 )0.6 (legislators. )0.6 (The )0.5 (GIS )0.5 (officials )0.5 (were )0.5 (chosen )0.6 (because )0.5 (of )0.6 (their )0.6 (roles)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.012 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(connected to the development and implementation of the Immigration Servi\ ce Act, 2016. The)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(respondents included 10 from senior management, 25 from middle managemen\ t and 25 from)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.03 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(junior management. This stratified sampling method enabled the solicitat\ ion of the views of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.008 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(senior, middle and junior managers. The 10 members of parliament include\ d members of the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.077 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(Defense and Interior Committee reflecting the political divide. The prim\ ary information was)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm (complemented by secondary evidence.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.042 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(The GIS )0.5 (was )0.5 (chosen for a number of )0.5 (reasons, first a number )0.5 (of )0.5 (trends have made immigration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.022 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(issues and problems more salient now than ever. The September 11 2001 te\ rrorist attack in the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.024 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(US; mobility changes in the world; the ease in the movement of people, p\ articularly investors;)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.221 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(and )0.5 (the )0.6 (trans-nationalization )0.6 (of )0.5 (crime )0.5 (have )0.6 (prompted )0.5 (governments )0.5 (across )0.5 (the )0.6 (globe )0.5 (to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.024 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(begin to pay serious attention to migration issues. Accordingly, Ghana h\ as to adopt the most)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.161 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(robust, sound and dynamic legal frameworks and policies for immigration.\ This study will)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.063 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(therefore )0.5 (contribute )0.6 (to )0.5 (such )0.5 (an )0.6 (endeavor. )0.5 (Second, )0.5 (the )0.6 (actions, )0.5 (commissions )0.5 (and )0.6 (omissions)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.095 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(of the GIS have implications for both domestic and international securit\ y, investments and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.129 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(employment, as well as bilateral and multilateral relations. So studying\ the GIS will inform)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.028 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(policy reforms that will improve these dimensions of national developmen\ t. Finally, the roles)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 787.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.7628 25.5001 Tm (47)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 792.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1587 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.113 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(politicians also have knowledge of the broader political context and spe\ cific policy issues,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.086 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(which they use to shape their interaction with bureaucrats. Chung \(1989\ \) concurs when he)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.111 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(argues that the influence of presidents and bureaucrats in South Korea\222\ s decision-making)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm (process depended largely on the extent of the president\222s knowledge o\ f a specific issue.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 49 683.3899 Tm (The communication process as a framework of lobbying)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.134 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(This study adopts a framework which views lobbying as a communication pr\ ocess. In this)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.297 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(process a messenger \(usually an interest group or untypically a bureauc\ ratic agency\))40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.006 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(transmits )0.5 (a )0.5 (message )0.6 (to )0.6 (a )0.5 (receiver )0.5 (\(policy )0.6 (makers\) )0.5 (via )0.5 (a )0.5 (medium, )0.5 (within )0.5 (a )0.5 (given )0.5 (context )0.5 (and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.024 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(with a certain effect \(Bruycker 2014\). Viewing lobbying as a communica\ tion process permits)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.037 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(its examination as a sequential process in which the use of different ta\ ctics are interrelated)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm (\(Bruycker 2014\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.359 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm [(The messenger characteristics influence the type of tactics and their in\ terrelationship)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.352 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm [(in affecting lobbying. The characteristics include organizational resour\ ces; the type of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.037 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(constituencies represented; and forged alliances. For example, being par\ t of a coalition has)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.114 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(several advantages: group accessibility to a wider range of policy maker\ s; accessibility to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(more exclusive lobbying channels and policy makers; lobbyists\222 abilit\ y to draw from the same)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.022 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(pool of arguments and information when approaching policy makers; abilit\ y to cover a wider)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.131 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(array of lobbying tactics; and ability to mobilize the resources \(like \ information, language)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm (skills, and networks\) of the other coalition members \(Bruycker 2014\).\ )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.145 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(The second component of the lobbying communication process is the lobbyi\ ng message.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.064 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(A )0.5 (lobbying message refers to )0.5 (the )0.5 (content the )0.5 (lobbyist communicates to )0.5 (policy makers. )0.5 (The)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.079 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(lobbyist may strategically include or exclude specific issues, informati\ on and arguments in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.077 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(their message. However, the role and nature of the lobbying message vari\ es depending on)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.163 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(the interaction mode that is employed. There are three modes of interact\ ion: information)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.004 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(exchange \(which aims at gaining access to decision makers and influenci\ ng them\); arguing)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.155 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(\(which seeks to change policy makers\222 mind about what they think is \ right\); and agenda)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.152 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(setting \(which signals which issues are important and need to be dealt \ with\) \(Jones and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm (Baumgartner 2005; Kl\374ver 2013\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.078 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(The third component of the lobbying communication process is the channel\ \226 the medium)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.073 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(through which the message is conveyed to policy makers. There are two ki\ nds of channels,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.109 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(namely public and private. The content of the message is affected by whe\ ther a public or)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.172 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(private channel is used. A private channel provides for direct transmiss\ ion with sufficient)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.066 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(details to policy makers. A public channel, on the other hand, concedes \ to journalistic routines)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.033 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(and standards for news values and thus sacrifices sophistication, techni\ cal nature and detail)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm (of message \(Bruycker 2014, 9-10\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.131 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(The fourth component of the lobbying communication process is the target\ . A target can,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.124 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(for instance, be a policy venue, such as an institution or a group in so\ ciety which has the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.139 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(authority to make decisions concerning an issue \(Baumgartner and Jones \ 2015, 31\). Three)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.074 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(types of targets are identifiable: friendly policy makers who help to re\ present the lobbyist\222s)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.071 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(case on the basis of information and arguments received; \223fence sitte\ rs\224 or legislators who)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.041 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(are undecided; and policy makers who oppose their view in order to persu\ ade them to vote)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.074 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(differently \(Hall and Daerdorff 2006\). In practice, lobbyists lobby bo\ th allies and opponents)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.028 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(\(Braun 2012\). A persuasive mode of lobbying is suited for opponents be\ cause they can adjust)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(their arguments to, for )0.5 (example, )0.5 (take )0.5 (account )0.5 (of )0.5 (political ideology. The agenda-setting mode)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.3178 25.5001 Tm (46)Tj ET EMC /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1588 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm (asymmetry; salience of issues; and strategies and tactics of interaction\ .)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.145 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(The interests of politicians and bureaucrats \(personal, professional an\ d organizational\) in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.031 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm [(a particular policy issue will determine the type of relations that will\ develop between them.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.087 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm [(Where there is interest convergence there is a tendency for reciprocal e\ xchanges between)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.115 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(the two categories of officers, and the relationship that will develop w\ ill look more like the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.076 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(complementarity model. On the other hand, where there is interest diverg\ ence the political)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.262 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm [(actor tends to exert control, making sure its interests override those o\ f the bureaucrat.)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.023 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(Accordingly, the relationship shifts and becomes the separate-role model\ . Further, where the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.13 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(interests of some political actors converge with those of bureaucrats wh\ ile those of some)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.041 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(other politicians diverge from them, an overlapping model emerges \226 w\ here a combination)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.263 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(of the separate and responsive models operate. As the interests of the p\ arties shift so)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.176 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm (will the relations between them shift accordingly. This means the latitu\ de of the politics-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(administration interactions could be dotted with spells or episodes of c\ ontrol or adversarial)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.14 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm [(and reciprocal or cooperative relations for any given period of time. Th\ is dynamics in the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm (politics-administration relations is hardly, if ever, recognized in the \ literature.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.156 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(In respect of the salience of issues, citizens who care about an issue a\ re especially likely)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.118 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(to take elected officials\222 actions on that issue into account on Elec\ tion Day \(Ansolabehere)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.108 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(and Sorocco 2015\). This makes politicians responsive to highly salient \ issues. High political)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.032 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(salience )0.5 (may )0.6 (lead )0.5 (to )0.5 (increased )0.6 (political )0.5 (control, )0.5 (thereby )0.5 (increasing )0.6 (the )0.5 (interaction )0.5 (between)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.059 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(the spheres. So immigration service being a salient )0.5 (security service, especially )0.5 (in the )0.5 (era of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.012 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(global security threats like terrorism, has increased interaction betwee\ n GIS, and the Minister)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm (of Interior and legislators.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.085 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(In regard to power structure, most African countries have witnessed \(so\ me still do\) the crisis of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.045 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(political turmoil, intolerance and harsh dictatorship; others have a mil\ itary regime or imperial)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(presidency with highly centralized government processes. To name a few, \ Sudan, Zimbabwe,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.115 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(Libya, and Uganda are in dire straits, resulting in a marked degree of s\ ocial disintegration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.191 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(and economic stress throughout the continent. In this scenario of author\ itarian ideology,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.066 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(public administration merely administers commandments and decrees \(Vyas\ -Doorgapersad)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.135 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(2011, 238\). Even in the current democratic dispensation most African go\ vernments are still)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.136 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(characterized by executive dominance of governmental power \(Prempeh 200\ 8\). In such a)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.115 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm [(climate the bureaucracy defers to the executive, and this makes bureaucr\ ats passive suppliers)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm (of policy advice as in the separation model \(Rashid 2014\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.008 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(In reference to information, there is a fundamental asymmetry in experie\ nce and specialized)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.223 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(knowledge that undermines the formal principal-agent relationship betwee\ n the elected)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.157 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(principal and the administrative agent \(Johnson 2016\). Public-choice t\ heorists argue that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.049 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(administrators act in terms of their own interests or their own percepti\ on of the public interest)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.102 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm [(rather than the public interest as translated by elected officials \(Joh\ nson 2016\). Carpenter)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.218 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(\(2001\) claims that bureaucrats have earned a reputation for expertise,\ which represents)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.179 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(a source of power. Thus, the politician defers to the former because of \ his expertise and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.029 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(reputation \226 mimicking the autonomous administrator model \(Svara 200\ 6\). The information)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.006 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(asymmetry between politicians and bureaucrats that arises from bureaucra\ tic expertise has)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.037 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(been the subject of considerable attention \(Moe 2006\). Expertise repre\ sents the key source of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.022 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(power for administrators and can be the cause of conflict between them a\ nd politicians \226 a)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.03 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(conflict between hierarchy and expertise. This is particularly true in d\ eveloping countries that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.035 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(have )0.5 (been )0.5 (grouped into )0.5 (Dasandi )0.5 (and )0.5 (Esteve\222s )0.5 (\(2017\) )0.5 (intrusive )0.5 (model )0.5 (where )0.5 (bureaucrats )0.5 (are)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.017 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(\223often said to monopolize the knowledge and expertise relevant to gov\ ernment\224 \(Smith 2009,)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.087 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(135\). Thus, expertise gives bureaucrats an urge or influence in the pol\ icy process. Nevertheless,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.3528 25.5001 Tm (45)Tj ET EMC /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1589 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.287 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm (to improve customer service \(Corr\352a d\222Almeida and Klingner 2008\)\ , or to deliver high-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.3 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(quality )0.5 (policy )0.5 (advice )0.5 (\(Krause )0.5 (and Douglas )0.5 (2005\). )0.5 (Alca\361iz )0.5 (\(2010\) )0.5 (examines )0.5 (bureaucrats\222)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.011 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(network )0.5 (formation )0.5 (in )0.6 (technical )0.6 (agencies )0.5 (in )0.6 (Latin )0.6 (America, )0.5 (but )0.5 (limits )0.6 (these )0.5 (networks )0.5 (to )0.5 (trans-)]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.016 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm [(governmental linkages with other expert bureaucrats. Meanwhile Nicholson\ -Crotty and Miller)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.145 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm [(\(2012\) investigate how agency reputation conditions the ability of sta\ te-level bureaucrats)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.211 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(to influence legislators. The integrative perspective is akin to Svara\222\ s \(2006\) overlapping)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.253 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(roles and complementary models and Dasandi and Esteve\222s \(2017\) coll\ aborative model.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.143 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm [(These models highlight the shared influence of politicians and bureaucra\ ts. They envision)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.08 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(governments as cooperative relationships between officials who reflect d\ istinct values and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm (perspectives \(Svara 2006\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 49 599.3899 Tm (A re-appraisal of the models)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.112 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm [(The models that have been discussed here are based on two dimensions alo\ ng which the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.06 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm [(relationship between politicians and administrators can be conceptualize\ d: separation and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.003 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm [(autonomy \226 following Svara \(2006\). Separation denotes the extent to\ which the political and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.099 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(administrative realms are distinct. Autonomy means the extent to which b\ ureaucrats have)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.082 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(the space or freedom to go about performing functions they are assigned \ without political)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.016 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(interference \(Rashid 2014\). It is argued here that although each one o\ f the models explicated)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.006 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(above, which either center on separation or autonomy or a combination of\ the two, captures)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.231 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(a certain dimension of reality about politics-administration relations, \ none fully explains)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.115 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(the whole picture. This is especially so in developing countries, where \ the institutional and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.158 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm [(governance structures differ from those of advanced industrialized natio\ ns. In developing)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.138 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(countries, literature is expanding on the process of reform, highlightin\ g the importance of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.012 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(politics-administration interactions in reform processes \(Andrews 2013\)\ . This research points)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.044 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(to the extent to which the politics-administration relationship in many \ developing countries)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.125 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(differs )0.5 (from )0.5 (the )0.6 (Weberian )0.5 (ideal. )0.5 (Besides, )0.6 (it )0.5 (highlights )0.5 (the )0.5 (huge )0.5 (dissimilarities )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (nature)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.305 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(of the politics-administration interface across developing countries. Th\ e civil service in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.085 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(some developing countries \223has power rivaling that of the political e\ stablishment\224 \(Grindle)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.043 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(and Thomas 1991, 60-61\), while in others, governance is mired by the ab\ sence of a coherent)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.174 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(bureaucracy \(Evans 1992\). In such scenarios, the Weberian model does n\ ot resemble the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm (realities of politics-bureaucracy relations \(Dasandi and Esteve 2017\).\ )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.002 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(It is in the light of this reality of the politics-bureaucracy interface\ in the Third World that this)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.017 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(paper )0.5 (argues )0.5 (that there )0.5 (is )0.5 (no )0.5 (best-practice )0.5 (model )0.5 (of )0.5 (politics-administration )0.5 (relations )0.5 (in )0.5 (that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.012 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(region. Rather it is contended that the elements of the different models\ that are relevant to a)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.021 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(particular context or decision process are usually combined with local n\ uances to co-act to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.068 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(produce a best-fit model. It also claims that although proponents insist\ on the explanatory)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.119 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(power )0.5 (of )0.5 (their models, )0.5 (almost all )0.5 (of them are )0.5 (silent on )0.5 (whether politics-administration relations)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.109 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm [(is a static or a dynamic category. Examples of the few exceptions are Kr\ ause\222s \(1996\) and)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.038 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(Dasandi )0.5 (and )0.6 (Esteve\222s )0.5 (\(2017\). )0.6 (But )0.6 (they )0.5 (too )0.5 (are )0.6 (mute )0.6 (on )0.5 (how )0.5 (changes )0.5 (in )0.5 (politics-administration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.131 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(relations )0.5 (in particular )0.5 (contexts actually )0.5 (occur )0.5 (and )0.5 (the )0.5 (dynamics of )0.5 (the factors )0.5 (that cause)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.027 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(changes in the relations. They are also quiet on how these factors inter\ act and which of them)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.023 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(has more explanatory power in a specific jurisdiction or specific episod\ e of interaction. Static)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.007 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm (situations are fairly predictable over time compared to dynamic phenomen\ a. But since real-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.187 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(world )0.6 (phenomena )0.5 (are )0.5 (hardly )0.5 (static, )0.6 (it )0.5 (means )0.5 (politics-administration )0.6 (relations )0.5 (continually)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.245 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(changes. This paper makes a contribution to the literature by focusing o\ n the dynamic)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.103 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(nature of the politics-bureaucracy relations in Ghana as a developing co\ ntext. It does this)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.05 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(by investigating how changes in the politics-administration relations oc\ cur as a function of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.01 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(the recurrently shifting interests of politicians and bureaucrats; power\ structure; information)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 787.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.3478 25.5001 Tm (44)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 792.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1590 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 4/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1591 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.257 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(president\222s )0.5 (subtle )0.5 (influence )0.5 (on )0.5 (the )0.5 (judiciary; )0.5 (and )0.5 (president\222s )0.5 (majority )0.5 (party )0.5 (\(Ayee )0.5 (et )0.5 (al.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.137 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm [(2011\). For )0.5 (example, in )0.5 (terms of the )0.5 (president\222s majority )0.5 (party, executive power )0.5 (is exercised)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.088 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 739.3899 Tm [(in Parliament through the president\222s majority party, of which he bec\ omes leader by virtue)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.03 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 725.3899 Tm [(of his position as president. The strong executive power gives the presi\ dent strong influence)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.137 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 711.3899 Tm [(on party politics and legislators. Because the success or failure of the\ president\222s policies)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.145 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 697.3899 Tm [(affects the electoral fortunes of the party, the president\222s parliame\ ntary party collectively)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.09 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(and individually becomes a strong advocate of his policies and programs.\ All party-based)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.048 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm [(representative democracies have elements of party loyalty. What may be o\ bserved in Ghana,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.284 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(however, is that the system allows the president, as an individual, exce\ ptionally strong)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm (influence \(Ayee et al. 2011\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(Bureaucrats also attempt to influence legislative decision-making in at \ least two important)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.225 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(ways. First, bureaucratic heads, that is principal secretaries, must pro\ vide technical and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.169 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(policy information in response to legislators\222 request for policy adv\ ice. Contingent on the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.108 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm [(wording of the advice presented, bureaucrats can influence legislative t\ hinking even while)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.047 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm [(maintaining a )0.5 (reactive stance )0.5 (\(Bradley 2014\). )0.5 (Second, )0.5 (bureaucrats can )0.5 (engage proactively )0.5 (in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.019 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm [(legislative decision-making, in either of two ways: they can use their p\ ersonal connections to)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.005 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 529.3899 Tm [(legislators )0.5 (and )0.5 (legislative )0.5 (staff to )0.5 (lobby )0.5 (directly, )0.5 (or )0.5 (they may )0.5 (ask )0.5 (interest )0.5 (groups )0.5 (for )0.5 (lobbying)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.124 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(help \(Bradley 2014\). This )0.5 (article focuses )0.5 (on the former )0.5 (which is called )0.5 (\223direct bureaucratic)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.31 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(lobbying\224. Lobbying is an underdeveloped activity in the policy proce\ ss in Ghana, and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.002 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(bureaucratic lobbying is even acutely underdeveloped. Moreover, to the a\ uthor\222s knowledge,)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.061 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(direct bureaucratic lobbying has not yet been the subject of a systemati\ c investigation, either)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.058 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(in the immigration service policy arena or in general. This study is the\ refore a modest attempt)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm (at addressing this gap.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 49 403.3899 Tm (Integrating the Legislator-and Agency-Based Perspectives)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf -0.115 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm [(The integrative perspective recognizes that the interface between civil \ servants and politicians)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.013 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 361.3899 Tm [(imbues both actors with power in the policy-making process. One of the i\ nsightful works that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.074 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(integrates the political-science and public-administration perspectives \ discussed above is)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.039 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(Krause\222s \(1996\) dynamic-systems model of bureaucrat-politician rela\ tions. Theoretically and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.141 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(empirically, )0.5 (and )0.5 (focusing )0.5 (on )0.5 (the )0.5 (interplay )0.5 (between )0.5 (administrative )0.5 (outputs )0.5 (and )0.5 (politicians\222)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.024 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm [(budgetary signals, Krause found politicians and bureaucrats as roughly e\ qual players in the)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm (policy process.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.035 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(Carpenter\222s \(2001\) research is another in the integrative perspecti\ ve that examined sources)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.376 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(of agency autonomy during the Progressive Era. Carpenter demonstrates th\ at certain)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.09 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(administrative agencies have developed the reputation for expertise whic\ h they employ to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.023 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(locate themselves in sundry political networks that serve as a source of\ power. Autonomous)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.144 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm [(agencies build support coalitions that politicians are reluctant to chal\ lenge; instead, politicians)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.147 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 193.3899 Tm [(defer to the expertise of those agencies. Carpenter\222s view on the eff\ icacy of bureaucratic)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(expertise )0.5 (is )0.5 (insightful )0.5 (for )0.5 (this )0.6 (study )0.5 (because )0.5 (it )0.5 (features )0.5 (in )0.6 (the )0.5 (repertoire )0.5 (of )0.6 (instruments )0.6 (the )0.5 (GIS)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.053 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(used in influencing the GIS policy. The Ministry of Interior has oversig\ ht responsibility for the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.096 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(GIS, and the latter sees political oversight not only as control of bure\ aucratic behavior but)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.083 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(also as a means for agency officials to use their informational advantag\ e and expertise to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm (influence policy.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.02 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(Several )0.6 (empirical )0.5 (studies )0.5 (advance )0.6 (facets )0.5 (of )0.5 (Carpenter\222s )0.6 (theory. )0.5 (These )0.5 (embrace )0.6 (research )0.5 (on)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.172 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(the effects of agency autonomy on innovation \(Verhoest et al. 2014\) an\ d on the impacts)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.092 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(of agencies\222 concern for their reputations on their attempts to seek \ publicity \(Moffitt 2010\),)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 787.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 291.5479 25.5001 Tm (43)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 792.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1592 0 obj <> endobj 1593 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1594 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 1/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1595 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 2/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1596 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/StructParents 3/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 1597 0 obj <>stream /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.025 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 767.3899 Tm [(influence policy. This paper argues that bureaucrats are proactive and t\ heir influence starts)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 753.3899 Tm (much earlier in the proposal stage, right down to the legislative stage \ and beyond.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc 14 0 0 14 49 711.3899 Tm (Public-administration perspective on bureaucratic activism)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.231 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 683.3899 Tm [(Academics that come from a public-administration perspective imbue burea\ ucrats with)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.241 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 669.3899 Tm [(influence and autonomy. Examples of these influences in the policy proce\ ss come from)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.183 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 655.3899 Tm [(bureaucrats\222 contact with legislators and clientele groups \(Bradley \ 2014\); engagement in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.044 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 641.3899 Tm [(both direct legislative lobbying and indirect coalition lobbying with in\ terest groups \(Bradley)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.007 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 627.3899 Tm [(and )0.5 (Haselswerdt )0.6 (2016\); )0.5 (manipulation )0.5 (of )0.6 (legislative )0.5 (principals )0.6 (to )0.5 (achieve )0.5 (mutual )0.5 (ends )0.5 (\(Keiser)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.083 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 613.3899 Tm [(2001\); lobbying both on behalf of the executive and their own interests\ \(Baumgartner et al.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.062 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 599.3899 Tm [(2001\); mimicking behavior of private sector lobbyists \(Thurlow 2016\);\ devoting more time to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.161 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 585.3899 Tm [(policy development, originating legislation, building public support, co\ ntacting legislators,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.063 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 571.3899 Tm [(than spending time on administration \(Bradley 2014\); and influence ove\ r legislative outcomes)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.024 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 557.3899 Tm (is rare but is a reality when they demonstrate higher capacity or profes\ sionalism \(Nicholson-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 543.3899 Tm (Crotty and Miller 2012\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.105 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 515.3899 Tm [(Undoubtedly, the public-administration perspective has challenged the vi\ ew that bureaucrats)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.08 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 501.3899 Tm [(are passive, reactive, or not involved in the policy process prior to th\ e rules stage. Yet they)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 487.3899 Tm [(overlook the fact that political controls have some effect on agency beh\ avior \(Bradley 2014\).)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.22 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 473.3899 Tm [(Politicians can often control administrators with the aim of substantial\ ly diminishing the)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.017 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 459.3899 Tm [(\223incorporation of independent professional contributions in policymak\ ing\224 \(Svara 2006, 955\).)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.114 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 445.3899 Tm [(Political control can also be expressed in the form of costs of attempti\ ng to influence legislative)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.033 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 431.3899 Tm [(decision-making. These costs include the potential to anger principals, \ the opportunity cost)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 417.3899 Tm [(involved in political activity, and the cost of spending political capit\ al on a particular policy)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.067 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 403.3899 Tm [(issue. By far the most important of these is the risk of angering princi\ pals, of being seen as)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.163 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 389.3899 Tm [(insubordinate. This risk could accrue to either the agency as a whole or\ to the individual)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 375.3899 Tm (bureaucrat \(Bradley 2014, 28\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.079 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 347.3899 Tm [(Because this study focuses on bureaucrats\222 attempts to influence legi\ slative and executive)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.023 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 333.3899 Tm [(decisions, bureaucratic political engagement has the potential to anger \ either legislators or)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.113 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 319.3899 Tm [(principals in the executive or both. Yet GIS bureaucrats were prepared t\ o risk the anger of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.091 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 305.3899 Tm (political principals by influencing the GIS policy in their preferred di\ rection. But few public-)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.196 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 291.3899 Tm [(administration studies acknowledge this fact. Rather the majority of stu\ dies subscribe to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 277.3899 Tm [(the view that agencies are essentially reactive bodies. By taking a prin\ cipal-agent vantage,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.108 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 263.3899 Tm [(scholars in this camp argue that exerting influence on the legislative p\ rocess is outside of)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.07 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 249.3899 Tm [(bureaucrats\222 contractual bounds. The cardinal supposition in this lit\ erature is that legislatures)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.1 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 235.3899 Tm [(influence agencies, not the other way around \(Huber et al. 2001\). Legi\ slatures pass laws to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.083 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 221.3899 Tm [(direct bureaucratic activity; the degree and limits of agency policy aut\ hority are, theoretically,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 207.3899 Tm (for legislators \(and other principals\) to determine \(Huber and Shipan\ 2002\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.016 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 179.3899 Tm [(The public-administration perspective also fails to consider the reality\ that bureaucrats may)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.21 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 165.3899 Tm [(directly and unorthodoxly \(proactively and using unusual tactics\) seek\ to influence both)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.18 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 151.3899 Tm [(the legislature and the executive if the policy affects their interest. \ This joins Poppelaars\222)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.075 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 137.3899 Tm [(\(2009\) view that agencies have reason to lobby for proposals they supp\ ort. The propensity)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.001 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 123.3899 Tm [(to lobby the executive is high in a political system that is characteriz\ ed by the concentration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.094 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 109.3899 Tm [(of political power )0.5 (in the presidency \(Ayee )0.5 (et al. 2011\). The )0.5 (GIS chose to lobby the executive)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.068 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 95.3899 Tm [(because in Ghana several factors have led to the overconcentration of po\ wer in the executive,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.169 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 81.3899 Tm [(and this )0.5 (has )0.5 (resulted in )0.5 (its dominance )0.5 (of the )0.5 (public-policy )0.5 (process. These )0.5 (include power)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.101 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 67.3899 Tm [(of appointment; fusion )0.5 (of legislature )0.5 (and )0.5 (executive; president\222s )0.5 (power in )0.5 (financial matters;)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 291.6178 25.5001 Tm (42)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1598 0 obj <>stream 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 292.8928 25.5001 Tm (41)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_1 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 14 0 0 14 49 763.1899 Tm (Perspectives on bureaucratic lobbying)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf -0.122 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 735.1899 Tm [(Broadly, three perspectives on bureaucratic lobbying are discernible in \ the literature. These are)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.041 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 721.1899 Tm [(the political-science perspective, the public-administration perspective\ , and the integrated)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.083 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 707.1899 Tm [(perspective. These perspectives are reviewed in turn below in order to b\ ring out their strengths)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.011 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 693.1899 Tm (and weaknesses and thus bridge their gaps so as to make them useful for \ guiding this study.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tc -0.003 Tw 14 0 0 14 49 651.1899 Tm (The political-science perspective on bureaucrats\222 influence on policy\ )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 0.42 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 623.1899 Tm [(The )0.5 (political-science )0.5 (perspective )0.5 (assumes )0.5 (that )0.5 (politicians )0.5 (are )0.5 (always )0.5 (superior )0.5 (in )0.5 (the)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.457 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 609.1899 Tm [(hierarchical relationship between political and administrative executive\ s. Thus, public)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.117 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 595.1899 Tm [(administrators are subordinate to elected executives )0.5 (in both )0.5 (law and practice \(Cook 2010,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.113 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 581.1899 Tm [(276\). Elected of\036cials and administrators occupy separate spheres an\ d have distinct roles)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.154 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 567.1899 Tm [(and norms of behavior \(Svara 2006, 954\). In terms of policy-making fun\ ctions, politicians)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.224 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 553.1899 Tm [(decide on policies, while administrators implement those policies \(Vers\ chuere 2009, 23\).)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.026 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 539.1899 Tm [(Decisions on policy )0.5 (are to be taken by the political )0.5 (executives in parliament and government.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.149 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 525.1899 Tm [(Politicians and ministers are supposed to set the goals and determine th\ e instruments of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.055 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 511.1899 Tm [(policy. The involvement of administrators is more limited in scope, incl\ uding the bringing of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.048 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 497.1899 Tm [(facts to the policy process and the provision of policy advice. Appointe\ d officers, as neutral)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.103 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 483.1899 Tm [(specialists, are expected to advise and outline the pros and cons of alt\ ernative courses of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.155 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 469.1899 Tm [(action. They are expected to quietly cooperate with politicians whether \ they agree or not)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 455.1899 Tm [(\(Rashid 2014\). Then, once a policy path is chosen by the political exe\ cutives, bureaucrats)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.133 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 441.1899 Tm [(are required to implement the policy and monitor the results. Therefore,\ their role is more)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.216 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 427.1899 Tm [(supportive, providing important information and analysis for political a\ ctors. This view is)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.052 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 413.1899 Tm [(based on the well-recognized \223politics-administration dichotomy\224 o\ r \223separate-roles model\224,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 399.1899 Tm (which proposes a clear distinction between politics and administration \(\ Svara 2006, 956\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.129 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 371.1899 Tm [(This perspective worries about the specter of bureaucratic dominance wit\ hout political control.)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.021 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 357.1899 Tm [(Such fears have variously been expressed as significance of bureaucrats\222\ professionalization)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.028 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 343.1899 Tm [(and resulting policy preferences \(Ayee 2013\), bureaucrats\222 purporte\ d desire to maximize the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.097 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 329.1899 Tm [(size of their agencies \(Johnson 2016\), and their possible capture by i\ nterest groups \(World)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.209 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 315.1899 Tm [(Bank 2004\), among many other concerns. In order to deal with such fears\ , recent works)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.113 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 301.1899 Tm [(have focused on understanding how politicians can overcome the )0.5 (information asymmetry)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.07 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 287.1899 Tm [(inherent )0.5 (in the )0.5 (politician-bureaucrat )0.5 (relationship. Strands )0.5 (of )0.5 (this )0.5 (research include )0.5 (interpretive)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.063 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 273.1899 Tm [(accounts and theoretical models of political controls \(Johnson 2016\), \ empirical investigations)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.009 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 259.1899 Tm [(of bureaucratic response to political principals \(Mohammed 2018\) and s\ tudies of delegation)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.221 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 245.1899 Tm [(to agencies \(Huber and Shipan 2002\). All these works accept that legis\ lators, and other)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 231.1899 Tm (principals, should determine the direction and scope of bureaucratic act\ ivity.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.02 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 203.1899 Tm [(Although these assumptions are reasonable they ignore the fact that rele\ gating bureaucrats)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 189.1899 Tm [(to )0.5 (the )0.5 (role )0.6 (of )0.6 (agents )0.6 (has )0.5 (also )0.5 (limited )0.6 (how )0.6 (most )0.6 (of )0.5 (these )0.5 (works )0.5 (conceptualize )0.5 (bureaucrats )0.6 (and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.087 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 175.1899 Tm [(their behavior. In particular, construing appointed officers as agents \223\ reduces their actions)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.026 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 161.1899 Tm [(to reactions and limits their political agency\224 thus, \223leaving us \ with an underdeveloped sense)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.145 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 147.1899 Tm [(of bureaucrats\222 power to shape both the legislature-bureaucracy dynam\ ic and outcomes)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.174 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 133.1899 Tm [(of the policy process\224 \(Bradley 2014, 8\). Despite the fact that pol\ iticians can use ex-ante)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.014 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 119.1899 Tm [(control measures to direct bureaucratic behavior in preferred ways, this\ viewpoint overlooks)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.09 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 105.1899 Tm [(appointed officers\222 ability to step out of their prescribed role. For\ example, works on procedural)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.062 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 91.1899 Tm [(control )0.5 (of )0.5 (bureaucratic )0.6 (behavior, )0.5 (such )0.6 (as )0.6 (Klimenko )0.5 (and )0.5 (Zhulin )0.6 (\(2009\) )0.5 (and )0.5 (Shapiro )0.6 (and )0.5 (Guston)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.082 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 77.1899 Tm [(\(2006\), tend to overlook the unwillingness of bureaucrats to wait unti\ l rule promulgation to)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC endstream endobj 1599 0 obj <>stream 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 49 786.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 793.4899 Tm (\223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? The case of Ghana Immigration S\ ervice.\224 Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 291.3528 25.5001 Tm (40)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs 0.04 Tc -0.112 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 764.5316 Tm [(However, little is also known about the conditions under which bureaucra\ tic agencies\222 lobbying)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.147 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 750.5316 Tm [(or influence is likely to occur. )0.5 (Scholars )0.5 (from )0.5 (various research traditions acknowledge that)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.037 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 736.5316 Tm [(bureaucrats are potentially influential players in the policy process \(\ Bradley and Haselswerdt)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 722.5316 Tm [(2016\). Bureaucrats have the ability to shape not only the actions of th\ eir outfits but also the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.206 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 708.5316 Tm [(legislation that approves and funds those programs and projects. As poli\ cy experts with)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.059 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 694.5316 Tm [(valuable information, agency officials can influence the public agenda a\ nd the decisions that)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.079 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 680.5316 Tm [(legislators make through direct advocacy or information sharing \(Bradle\ y and Haselswerdt)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.072 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 666.5316 Tm [(2016\). )0.5 (For )0.5 (example, )0.5 (Howard )0.5 (\(2001\) )0.5 (evidences )0.5 (that )0.5 (in )0.5 (Australia )0.5 (senior )0.5 (bureaucrats )0.5 (within )0.5 (the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.182 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 652.5316 Tm [(federal Department of Social Security, who aptly were described as polic\ y entrepreneurs,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.009 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 638.5316 Tm [(played an important role in promoting reforms which increased the genero\ sity of the means)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.028 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 624.5316 Tm [(test on unemployment payments. Similarly, in the US the influence of bur\ eaucratic agencies)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.01 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 610.5316 Tm [(is exemplified by the choice of most weapons system by the Department of\ Defense and the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 596.5316 Tm (development of air-safety regulations by the Federal Aviation Agency \(A\ nderson 2006\).)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.296 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 568.5316 Tm [(Appointed officers can also exert in\037uence on the legislature in an i\ ndirect fashion by)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.011 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 554.5316 Tm [(leveraging )0.5 (the )0.5 (lobbying power of )0.5 (interest )0.5 (groups. )0.5 (This )0.5 (tactic, )0.5 (which )0.5 (Bradley )0.5 (and )0.5 (Haselswerdt)39.9 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.291 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 540.5316 Tm [(\(2016\) )0.5 (describe )0.6 (as )0.5 (indirect )0.6 (bureaucratic )0.6 (lobbying, )0.5 (is )0.6 (employed )0.5 (by )0.5 (agencies )0.5 (in )0.5 (dodging)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.193 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 526.5316 Tm [(legal or normative restrictions on bureaucratic lobbying and may increas\ e the likelihood)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.101 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 512.5316 Tm [(of realizing their preferred legislative outcomes \(Bradley and Haselswe\ rdt 2016, 2\). There is)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.095 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 498.5316 Tm [(no evidence of the systematic use of indirect bureaucratic lobbying. Thi\ s study adopts the)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.079 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 484.5316 Tm [(direct pathway to assessing the influence of the Ghana Immigration Servi\ ce in the passing)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.202 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 470.5316 Tm [(of the Ghana Immigration Service Act, 2016 \(Act 908\). This is because \ interest groups in)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.225 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 456.5316 Tm [(Ghana are nascent, underdeveloped and less grounded in immigration issue\ s to do the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.017 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 442.5316 Tm [(bidding for the GIS. Moreover, direct bureaucratic lobbying has not yet \ been the subject of a)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.057 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 428.5316 Tm [(systematic investigation, either in the immigration service policy subfi\ eld or in general. This)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.128 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 414.5316 Tm [(study contributes to the literature by: explicating the conditions under\ which bureaucratic)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.072 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 400.5316 Tm [(lobbying takes place; arguing that political oversight is both an instru\ ment of bureaucratic)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.05 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 386.5316 Tm [(control and bureaucratic influence; establishing that lobbying outcomes \ consist of not only)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.101 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 372.5316 Tm [(final outcomes but also intermediate outcomes; and revealing that politi\ cs-administration)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 358.5316 Tm (relations is a dynamic rather than a static category.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.132 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 330.5316 Tm [(By adopting the direct pathway this article asks a number of questions, \ answers to which)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.149 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 316.5316 Tm [(will )0.5 (ascertain the manner )0.5 (and extent to )0.5 (which bureaucratic )0.5 (agencies influence legislative)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.046 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 302.5316 Tm [(policy decisions. These questions are: 1\) Why is the adoption of a new \ immigration service law)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.03 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 288.5316 Tm [(important? 2\) Why is direct lobbying the preferred tool for getting )0.5 (the )0.5 (Immigration )0.5 (Service Bill)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.028 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 274.5316 Tm [(passed into law? 3\) What strategies and tactics are employed in lobbyin\ g the legislature and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 10 0 0 10 49 260.5316 Tm [(the executive into passing the bill? 4\) How effective are these strateg\ ies and tactics? 5\) What)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 246.5316 Tm (are the outcomes of the lobbying of the Ghana Immigration Service?)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.141 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 218.5316 Tm [(The study is organized such that after the introduction, part two expoun\ ds on three perspectives)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.178 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 204.5316 Tm [(of bureaucratic lobbying, while part three adopts and explicates a theor\ etical framework)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.041 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 190.5316 Tm [(which construes lobbying as a communication process. The fourth part giv\ es a background)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.02 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 176.5316 Tm [(of the Ghana Immigration Service. In the fifth part the methodology of t\ he study is sketched,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.018 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 162.5316 Tm [(while the evidence of )0.5 (GIS\222s lobbying is presented )0.5 (in the sixth part. The )0.5 (final )0.5 (section is devoted)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 148.5316 Tm (to discussion and conclusion.)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1600 0 obj <>stream 0 0 0 0.9 K 4 M /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 49 782.5315 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q q 1 0 0 1 49 709.3898 cm 0 0 m 497.276 0 l S Q /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /T1_0 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 8 0 0 8 49 801.4899 Tm [(Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed. 2019. \223Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby? \ The case of Ghana Immigration Service.\224)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 49 791.8899 Tm (Halduskultuur: The Estonian Journal of Administrative Culture and Digita\ l Governance)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 417.6436 791.8899 Tm ( 19 \(2\), 39-59)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 291.5429 25.5001 Tm (39)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 0 0 0.9 k /GS0 gs /T1_2 1 Tf 0.04 Tc 18 0 0 18 49 750.9901 Tm [(Do Bureaucratic Organizations Lobby?)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 18 0 0 18 49 729.3901 Tm (The Case of Ghana Immigration Service)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 49 691.8901 Tm (ABDULAI KUYINI MOHAMMED, UNIVERSITY OF GHANA, DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SC\ IENCE, GHANA)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf -0.04 Tw 14 0 0 14 49 649.8901 Tm (Abstract)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.16 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 621.89 Tm [(Information from )0.5 (seventy interviews and secondary )0.5 (evidence was )0.5 (used to )0.5 (investigate the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.343 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 607.89 Tm [(relationship between Ghana Immigration Service\222s \(GIS\) lobbying and\ the outcomes it)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.176 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 593.89 Tm [(produced. The focus of the investigation was on four areas: the strategi\ es and tactics of)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.03 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 579.89 Tm [(lobbying employed; intermediate outcomes achieved; final outcome attaine\ d; and the effect)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.079 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 565.89 Tm [(of GIS\222s lobbying on politics-administration relations. The evidence \ showed that the strategies)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.137 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 551.89 Tm [(succeeded in achieving the desired policy reforms. In addition to this f\ inal outcome, GIS\222s)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.024 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 537.89 Tm [(lobbying also succeeded in attaining intermediate outcomes: increased at\ tention; increased)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.227 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 523.89 Tm [(knowledge; and persuasion. Among others, the study\222s contributions ar\ e the following: it)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.061 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 509.89 Tm [(has explicated the overlooked conditions under which bureaucratic lobbyi\ ng or influence is)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.007 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 495.89 Tm [(likely to occur; it has shown that lobbying impact should include not on\ ly final outcomes but)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.1 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 481.89 Tm [(also intermediate effects. Moreover, it has shown that politics-administ\ ration relations is a)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.027 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 467.89 Tm [(dynamic rather than a static category that is not explained by one best-\ practice model but)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.058 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 453.89 Tm [(rather a best-fit model or a combination of models that is contingent on\ factors producing)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 439.89 Tm (changes in the relationship.)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf -0.04 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 411.89 Tm (Keywords)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 103.3295 411.89 Tm (: )Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_1 1 Tf -0.049 Tw 10 0 0 10 108.4894 411.89 Tm (GIS, Bureaucratic lobbying, Strategies, Tactics, Support and Opposition,\ Outcomes)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_2 1 Tf -0.04 Tw 14 0 0 14 49 369.89 Tm (Introduction)Tj ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT /T1_0 1 Tf 0.065 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 341.89 Tm [(The idea of the politics-administration dichotomy where elected official\ s design policy and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.181 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 327.89 Tm [(appointed officers implement the policy thus derived has long been chall\ enged. There is)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.078 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 313.89 Tm [(now agreement in the literature that the bureaucracy influences policy-m\ aking not only at)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.048 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 299.89 Tm [(the implementation stage but also at )0.5 (the )0.5 (development )0.5 (and evaluation stages \(Howlett and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.054 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 285.89 Tm [(Ramesh 2003; Anderson 2006\). For example, agencies initiate proposals f\ or legislation in such)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.059 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 271.89 Tm [(countries as the US, UK and Australia. Agencies are not only sources of \ policy initiatives but)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.175 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 257.89 Tm [(they also lobby and otherwise seek to exert pressure for their adoption \ \(Anderson 2006\).)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.129 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 243.89 Tm [(This )0.5 (is made )0.5 (possible because )0.5 (of the technicality )0.5 (and complexity )0.5 (of many )0.5 (policy matters,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.124 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 229.89 Tm [(the )0.5 (need )0.5 (for )0.5 (continuing )0.5 (control, )0.5 (and )0.5 (the )0.5 (legislators\222 )0.5 (lack )0.5 (of )0.5 (time )0.5 (and )0.5 (information. )0.5 (This )0.5 (has)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.074 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 215.89 Tm [(led to the )0.5 (delegation )0.5 (of much discretionary authority )0.5 (to )0.5 (appointed officials. As )0.5 (a )0.5 (result, the)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.091 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 201.89 Tm [(bureaucracy makes many decisions which have far-reaching political impli\ cations \(Anderson)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.08 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 187.89 Tm [(2006\). In terms of the implication of this for Ghanaian policy-making, \ it is reported that for)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.053 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 173.89 Tm [(the first few months after the military National Liberation Council\222s\ coup of 1966 Ghana was)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.136 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 159.89 Tm [(virtually managed by civil servants, and this role expanded over time. S\ imilarly, under the)40.1 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.109 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 145.89 Tm [(National Redemption Council )0.5 (military government \(1972-1979\), and )0.5 (the )0.5 (subsequent )0.5 (civilian)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.002 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 131.89 Tm [(government of the Progress Party \(1969-1972\), technocrats were drafted\ externally, including)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.064 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 117.89 Tm [(those who had worked with the World Bank and the IMF, onto the policy ma\ king terrain and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT -0.078 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 103.89 Tm [(were particularly influential in economic policy-making \(Mohammed 2018\)\ . Likewise, although)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.36 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 89.89 Tm [(successive Ghanaian governments lambasted the bureaucracy for its ineffi\ ciency and)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0.089 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 75.89 Tm [(ineffectiveness, they nonetheless found it indispensable in the overall \ governance process,)40 ( )]TJ ET EMC /Span <>BDC BT 0 Tw 10 0 0 10 49 61.89 Tm (particularly in policy-making \(Mohammed 2018\).)Tj ET EMC endstream endobj 1601 0 obj <> endobj 1602 0 obj <>stream HwPS -Ћ!H $!.HZHǂ DAJQDқ4A =3μ;͛y;7g5u HL쌌]\t`-8`nn :\ ñQG܉n@% r KQd yy(D7/2Af)ԛ2 dQNr:@27T.YG3Dd,@/tWG`ϟ pݑfz9eS+q*8 /?& 1r8jF=(HpE$=n2pjb ^]oMq G-?~:A엂D?0^0*MNQyPp?22W* Pjs5Z4m133u1)ccMcepiL\€*r]p337t4l6|-G,,ZS=MTWߛȔN6O MKkHؾq w"3FjVYvg\.4O0_䭀۷>İԵ,zÇ3!UOIE}ϳ MfրK/s+_ut~yMFp;^>l{A!vT#8jBh1?=1?;12_wt ̱2Kڅu⛰ŭov"v])@s0R%BBM4)t~0)FE.R#,86.'\a܎3.\(O)/?'"%hJ A*YG$FEFO:/ux1Ᏺw '.[$%&'>MN8{Mefޜ\<|[ GPߕg_tR21Uդ'IOKj:j꥟=~8 oh%|վ!ة:B;|m_xCQHcqiSgftgX>_] Z2[^L6~nUbqf6݁xk  LAQ(л;1ɆYyH35VO6U8+|#Ӊ ~Sg/̿)q4$C Qߎ'JHKJKde+19X\#P^IA\G^iWyIeLOs' ]tub#NcfZ+ 3V֟N ~85`o08zzi/.[{P"ܓKK ȁ)M!}a,(h^bgT_x{q)DaoBT4'WFAKfZވ̺\p]{닧JKe**?sPD-˟ugmFME-}mKtݫ؎΁n7o= { /@? 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