Halduskultuur http://halduskultuur.eu/journal/index.php/HKAC <p><strong><em>Halduskultuur - The Estonian Journal of Administrative Culture and Digital Governance</em></strong>, published by&nbsp;<a title="RND" href="http://www.ttu.ee/nurkse" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance</a> at Tallinn University of Technology, is a peer-reviewed multi-language interdisciplinary journal of administrative studies. The journal appears bi-annually.</p> Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance en-US Halduskultuur 1736-6070 On Universities and Society: Renewing the Strained Contract in Times of Societal Polarization http://halduskultuur.eu/journal/index.php/HKAC/article/view/360 <p>TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology conveyed upon Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c.des. Caspar F. van den Berg <em>doctor honoris causa </em>on 19 September 2024 in the context of the University Day celebrations. This speech was deliverd by Prof. van den Berg on the occasion.</p> Caspar van den Berg ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 23 1-2 4 15 10.32994/hk.v23i1-2.360 The Institution of Zhung Dratshang of Bhutan: Setting the Stage for Future Research and Lacunae in Buddhist Governance and Public Administration http://halduskultuur.eu/journal/index.php/HKAC/article/view/345 <p>Many non-Western countries are facing challenges whilst implementing public sector reforms as most of these reforms are designed to suit public administrative systems based on Western models of governance and public administration. Based on the experiences of the <em>Zhung Dratshang</em>, which functions as the central monastic body of Bhutan, this study provides a basis to develop a research agenda on the relatively understudied area of Buddhist governance and public administration. Established in the 1600s, the <em>Zhung Dratshang</em> played a central role in Bhutan’s governance for close to four centuries. By examining its organisational structure and the career pathways, we suggest three main approaches towards enhancing knowledge in the field of public administration based on the institution of <em>Zhung Drathsang</em> in Bhutan. These three approaches are: Buddhist values-based, <em>sangha</em>-based and <em>dharma-raja</em> (or <em>dhammaraja</em>)-based approaches. Such an analysis will provide an insight into the relevance of Buddhist values and principles of organisation to the field of Non-Western Public Administration.</p> Lhawang Ugyel Kinga Namgyel ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 23 1-2 16 28 10.32994/hk.v23i1-2.345 Historical Development of Japan’s E-Government: A Comparison of its Characteristics with Global Trends http://halduskultuur.eu/journal/index.php/HKAC/article/view/312 <p>This study aimed to analyze the historical development of e-government in Japan in light of global trends, mainly with reference to the situation in the US and UK. The maturity models of the United Nations, European Union, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) were used for time-series comparisons spanning from 1994 (when the first e-government promotion plan was made) to 2022. This study analyzed why the departments responsible for e-government control have varied and what the characteristics have been of Japan’s guiding principles compared to Europe and the US. Finally, this study explored the reasons for the “delays” in Japan’s e-government within their socioeconomic context.</p> Susumu Kamimura ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 23 1-2 29 54 10.32994/hk.v23i1-2.312 Smart Governance: The First Experience of the Two Metropolitan Cities in Indonesia http://halduskultuur.eu/journal/index.php/HKAC/article/view/306 <p>In recent literature, smart governance is one of the main dimensions of a smart city. The study and its application continue to develop based on the characteristics of each city in various countries. In Indonesia, smart governance has been implemented in recent years as part of the e-government development. Two developing metropolitan cities, namely Bandung City in Western Indonesia and Makassar City in Eastern Indonesia, each have their own experiences. As a preliminary study, the experiences of the cities were studied using the general view and classical qualitative methods for theory and empirical orientation. The statement is based on field data obtained through interviewing informants, expert discussions, direct observation, and review of relevant documents. Furthermore, data were analyzed and synthesized in accordance with the study's focus theme. This study covers aspects of structure and process in smart governance. The study of structure relates to dynamics of multilevel governance involved in policy design, that is central government, local government, private sector, university, and non-governmental organization. Relation of the two local governments with central government and university is based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Interaction of local government and private sector were based on a tender agreement of goods and services. For institutionalisation, there is some supporting system formed such as Smart City Council (SCC), Smart City Implementor (SCI), and Smart City Forum (SCF) to integrate related party relationships, including non-governmental organizations and community individually. Related to processes in smart governance, this focus explains bureaucratic management and public service. Bureaucratic management and public service have parameters to be called smart or not. In this study, policy design is a superstructure supporting all infrastructure in bureaucratic management and public service. In practice, smart governance is closely related to the unification of modern infrastructure and active superstructure. For conceptual, smart governance is an enabler of the e-government and smart city agenda.</p> Nasrulhaq Nasrulhaq Suhono Harso Supangkat Arry Akhmad Arman Lukman Anas ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 23 1-2 55 83 10.32994/hk.v23i1-2.306 National Cybersecurity: A Descriptive Snapshot of 161 Countries http://halduskultuur.eu/journal/index.php/HKAC/article/view/303 <p>National cybersecurity includes so many topics and considerations that a global overview of trends is a quite complex endeavor. Previous studies either focus on individual countries or multiple ones while considering only a specific subtopic or point of interest of national cyber security. The purpose of this article is to present the regional cybersecurity trends of 161 nations, as of late January 2023, through the use of the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI). With the help of the NCSI, its methodology and publicly available database, we will provide both global and regional snapshots of what countries have been focusing on and doing in reference to their national cybersecurity. This will allow the discovery of similarities, best practices, and more importantly, underdeveloped topics that should be improved upon to guarantee a more robust approach to national cybersecurity. Globally, the national approaches seem to be reactionary, with very little focus on proactive measures, but regionally some differences start to appear. Future research will be able to build upon this research by either individual case studies or comparative studies among multiple countries.</p> Radu Antonio Serrano Iova ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 23 1-2 84 106 10.32994/hk.v23i1-2.303 The Involvement of NGOs in Asylum Policy Decision-Making: The Case of Estonia http://halduskultuur.eu/journal/index.php/HKAC/article/view/340 <p>With the shift from government to governance and the increased demand for cooperation and coordination in public management during the past few decades, governments have made efforts to improve participatory policy-making. It can be tricky to involve stakeholders across sectors with different interests, resources, and perceptions, especially if the policy issue is controversial. The aim of this paper is to analyze the interaction dynamic of the government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in asylum policy decision-making. The paper looks into the case of amending the legislative framework of the Estonian asylum system that was interfered with by the European migration crisis in 2015. The case highlights how the increased salience of the issue and the changing context influenced political decisionmaking and the way NGOs were involved. The findings show that although the context of crisis increased collaboration between the ministries and the NGOs on the policy implementation level, the involvement of NGOs in political decision-making deteriorated. The paper argues that at times when public debate on asylum policy grows more divisive, the decision-making process becomes more political, and the ability of NGOs to influence policy decisions becomes more likely through service provision rather than political debate.</p> Mariliis Trei ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 23 1-2 107 128 10.32994/hk.v23i1-2.340 Real-Time Economy: A New Frontier in Business and Economic Growth http://halduskultuur.eu/journal/index.php/HKAC/article/view/314 <p>This article delves into the concept of the Real-Time Economy (RTE), defined as a joint digital ecosystem where economic and administrative transactions between private and public actors take place as close to real-time as possible. It is an emerging economic paradigm characterized by instantaneous (or near-instantaneous) data exchange, real-time decisionmaking, and automated business processes. We conducted a systematic literature review across research domains such as information systems, business management, accountancy, and economics to capture and understand this continual transition toward digital business and economy. Our findings suggest that RTE has the potential to become an important topic in digital transformation, enabling the economy to function independently of the physical location and human intervention. We identified the factors that have contributed to the rise of RTE, such as rapid advancements in digital technology, big data, and artificial intelligence. Further, we explore the potential benefits and challenges of embracing RTE, including increased efficiency, reduced transaction costs, and enhanced competitiveness. Our article also highlights the role of governments in promoting the adoption of RTE through policy interventions, infrastructure investments, and public–private partnerships. Lastly, we conclude by discussing the transformative potential of RTE and the challenges to ensure a sustainable and secure economic future.</p> Art Alishani Maarja Olesk Ralf-Martin Soe Tarmo Kadak Robert Krimmer ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 23 1-2 129 155 10.32994/hk.v23i1-2.314