Introduction to the Special Issue: Territoriality and Governance in the Globalizing European Eastern Peripheries

Main Article Content

Bradley Loewen Garri Raagmaa


This special issue focuses on the governance of peripheries in CEE from a multiscalar perspective to identify current policy responses and practices at the European, regional, cross-border and local levels. We attempt to unite various paradigms of peripheries by taking a governance approach - paradigms that, when used independently, threaten to further fragment our understanding of non-core territories across CEE. The introductory paper progresses from discussing the territorial basis of peripheries, through rescaling processes and issues of governance, to the introduction of selected papers included in this issue.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Bradley Loewen, Department of Institutional, Environmental and Experimental Economics (KIE), University of Economics, Prague

Bradley Loewen is an Early Stage Researcher in the Marie Curie Initial Training Network, “RegPol2 - Socio-economic and political responses to regional polarization in Central and Eastern Europe,” and doctoral student at the University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic. His current research focuses on regional policy and institutional transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. His research interests further include regional development, urban and regional planning, socio-economic inequalities, and Europeanization and global processes.

Garri Raagmaa, Department of Geography, University of Tartu

Garri Raagmaa, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Regional Planning, Department of Geography, University of Tartu, Estonia. He has published four books and over 70 papers about regional planning and development focusing on regional innovation, entrepreneurship, identity and leadership issues. Currently, his research is targeted on governance, local innovation systems and higher educational institutions in peripheral areas.
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