Politico-Administrative Relations in the National Reception of OMC Policies: Comparing Policy Sectors in Slovenia

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Danica Fink-Hafner Damjan Lajh


The article examines the relationship between the national politicians and their civil servants in the reception of the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) policies. Our comparative case study of three policy fields in Slovenia identifies variations in the politico-administrative relations among different policy sectors. These variations can be explained by the weight of the ideological-political burden that determines the extent to which a particular policy sector is politicised. Although the reception of OMC policy is first and foremost in the hands of the national politicians, national civil servants have greater scope to act autonomously in those policy sectors which are less politicised.

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Author Biographies

Danica Fink-Hafner, University of Ljubljana

Danica Fink-Hafner is professor at the University of Ljubljana and Head of the Political Science research programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences. After her doctoral studies at the University of Ljubljana, she has been a Visiting Fellow at University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland), University of Warwick (UK), University of Maynooth (Ireland), Fulbright scholar at the Reed College (Portland,USA). Her articles have appeared in journals such as Public Administration, West European Studies, Legislative studies, Interest Groups & Advocacy, Journal of Communist Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, Sociological Review, Europe-Asia Studies, East European Politics and Societies, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Czech Sociological Review, Journal of Public Affairs andother journals. Email: Danica.Fink-Hafner@fdv.uni-lj.si

Damjan Lajh, University of Ljubljana

Damjan Lajh is associate professor of policy analysis at the University of Ljubljana- Faculty of Social Sciences, Jean Monnet Chair, coordinator of Master Study in Political Science - Policy Analysis and Public Administration, and Head of the Centre for Political Science Research. His research interests encompass public policies and policymaking processes in the national and EU context, Europeanization processes, interest groups and lobbying, and new forms of governance in the EU.Email: damjan.lajh.@fdv.uni-lj.si

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