The Dutch “Digi Commissioner” (2014-2018) An Abortive Attempt at National Digital Governance

Main Article Content

Alexander Claver


The Dutch governmental digital infrastructure (Generic Digital Infrastructure; GDI) is a vital element of state functioning. This article investigates the governance of the GDI as exemplified by the activities of the Digi Commissioner (officially the ‘National Coordinator Digital Government’). In 2014 the Digi Commissioner was made responsible for coordinating and re-structuring GDI-governance. Early 2018 his tasks were transferred to the Ministry of Interior Affairs. Some progress was made, but according to the Digi Commissioner himself the GDI still leaves much to be desired and is far from future proof. The article will discuss the Dutch digital infrastructure by adopting several perspectives. First, by defining and describing the development of the GDI. Second, by analysing the activities and achievements of the Digi Commissioner. Third, by applying behavioural economics and securitization concepts offering relevant insights with regard to the (lack of) GDI-progress.

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Author Biography

Alexander Claver, Leiden University / Delft University of Technology

Alexander Claver studied history at Utrecht University - specializing in economic history and entrepreneurship - and cyber security at Leiden University and Delft University of Technology. He holds a Ph.D in Social Sciences from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. His research interests include the study of entrepreneurship, company policy, cyber security and governance. Dr. Claver may be contacted at

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