Orphan Implementations of Public Policy for Conflict-Oriented Issues A Conceptual Modality of Policy Process

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Shulamith Gertel Groome


This paper aims to broaden our understanding of public policy characterized by issues of non-consensus. The idea of flexible, independent administrative decision-making for a conflict-oriented policy-type is addressed in terms of chronological constructions of policy process. Distributions of limited resources are a source of public contention likely to draw ambiguous high-level policy decisions that lack practical administrative directives. Conflicting institutional, professional and stakeholder influences, at various levels of policy processes, illuminate circumstances fostering implementations incongruent with politically motivated macro-declarations. Yet, this does not necessarily represent failed policy. A reevaluation of administrative systems, by critical deconstruction of the dominant top-down discourse, provides a frame of reference for valid divergent implementations. A conceptual progression from field-level interpretation and adaptation of macro policy, initiatory orphan implementations emerge as policy itself. This revised bottom-up modality of the policy process implies a working balance of combined outputs, providing equitable outcome to serve largescale public interest.

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Author Biography

Shulamith Gertel Groome, University of Ljubljana

Shulamith Gertel Groome is currently a Doctoral student at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. She is a senior urban and regional planning practitioner at the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing and a representative on the National Council for Planning and Building. She served as a Focal Point for External Affairs in 2004-2014 and a member of the Bureau of the UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management in 2012-2014. Her main research interests focus on the development of catalysts within policy processes to improve implementation and better serve the public interest. Email: shulamitg@moch.gov.il

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